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Library Strategic Plan Objectives to November 2013

Library Strategic Plan Objectives to November 2013

Seton Hall University Libraries, Strategic Plan: 2012 to 2020

Library Strategic Plan Objectives to November 2013

Based on Mission, Vision and Values Statements, SWOT Analysis, and Goals

Objective 1 (Goal 1): Review/evaluate services and make recommendations by early Spring semester 2013: form, charge, and meet with committee, bring in outside perspective/speaker, review current activities and service gaps, reference trends and data nationally, potential new services, local redundancies and make recommendations by Spring semester, to be implemented as practicable during Spring, Summer and Fall 2013.

Accountabilities: Dean (form & task committee, speaker), committee volunteers.

Objective 2 (Goal 2): Conduct an Impact Statement process at Seton Hall University Libraries using “top 10” Library-identified comparable institutions, focusing initially on 4-5 collections to make budget recommendations by February 28, 2013.

Accountabilities: Library faculty in assigned subject areas, Acquisitions librarian, Dean.

Objective 3 (Goal 2): Develop collections policy statements for both Special (first) and general collections (second), for policy approval by end of Spring semester 2013.

Accountabilities: Dean/Special Collections, Dean/selected Library faculty.

Objective 4 (Goal 3): Simplify records for/access to journals – print, electronic, those shared with Law – and electronic books, Fall semester 2012, ongoing.

Accountabilities: Dean (form and charge committee), Technical Services librarians and selected staff, Systems and Electronic Resources librarians, Associate Dean.

Objective 5 (Goal 3): Continue to develop the Library webpage redesign and affordances (more iterative features/highlights on Libraries’ web page), ongoing Fall semester 2012 +.

Accountabilities: Electronic Resources librarian, web page committee, Dean (form and charge committee, provide administrative interface with SHU IT), Special Collections staff (next phase).

Objective 6 (Goal 3): Consolidate and organize Special Collections finding aids and website, Fall semester 2012, Spring semester 2013.

Accountabilities: Special Collections staff.

Objective 7 (Goal 3): Simplify and strengthen ILL processes, document delivery (implement Rapid, ILIAD) and software efficiencies, Fall semester 2012, Spring semester 2013.

Accountabilities: New Access Services librarian, ILL staff.

Objective 8 (Goal 4): Contract for and conduct a building audit for purposes of space reutilization (Library classroom, Special Collections/Gallery/art space, user spaces, electrical-to-seating areas, etc.) and in light of changes to main reading room (Dunkin Donuts, smaller Ref. collection – closely related to Objective 1 as well). Fall semester 2012, implementation ongoing.

Accountabilities: Dean.

Objective 9 (Goal 5): Dean outreach to various departments, deans, programs. Fall semester 2012 +.

Accountabilities: Dean.

Objective 10 (Goal 5): Conduct student surveys on Libraries web page. Spring semester 2013, ongoing.


Accountabilities: Electronic Resources librarian, web page committee, Dean, selected participants.

Objective 11 (Goal 5): Document and quantify library faculty outreach efforts. Summer 2013, implement Fall semester 2013.

Accountabilities: Same as Objective 1.

Objective 12 (Goal 6): Strengthen and focus working relationship with SHU IT. Ongoing.

Accountabilities: Dean, Electronic Resources librarian.

Objective 13 (Goal 6): Observe/participate in the Law Library’s process to select and replace their integrated library system. TBA – Spring semester 2013 - Fall semester 2013.

Accountabilities: Dean, Systems and Electronic Resources librarians.

Objective 14 (Goal 6): Strengthen collections coordination with Law (closely related to Objective 3 as well.). Ongoing.

Accountabilities: Dean, Acquistions and Government Documents librarians.

Objective 15 (Goal 7): Increase Libraries’ role in/leadership of campus scholarly activities issues (copyright, fair use, open access). Fall semester 2012, ongoing.

Accountabilities: Library faculty members of appropriate Senate committees, Dean.

Objective 16 (Goal 7): Configure Walsh Gallery programing with an eye to long term sustainability. Fall semester 2012, ongoing.

Accountabilities: Gallery Director, Dean.

Objective 17 (Goal 8): Implement/renew oversight of key functions – closely related to Objectives 1–7. Fall semester 2012, ongoing.

Accountabilities: Dean.

Objective 18 (Goal 8): Improve library-wide communications: workshop; implement meetings with functional supervisors, occasional staff/area meetings, all-library meetings, regular meetings with library faculty, library e-newsletter. Spring semester 2013.

Accountabilities: Dean, Library faculty.

Objective 19 (Goal 9): Prepare, with data, reports and recommendations on Library spaces and budgets. Fall semester 2012, ongoing

Accountabilities: Same as Objective 1.

Objective 20 (Goal 9): Implement the support received effectively, reporting back to Administration and Seton Hall community, Fall semester 2012, ongoing.

Accountabilities: Dean.