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College of Nursing Faculty Publications

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Addressing alcohol misuse in primary care BACKGROUND: Alcohol misuse (AM) among young adults remains a public health issue that is underaddressed in primary care. Despite well-supported recommendations to screen and offer brief interventions for AM, most primary care providers do not address the issue. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners 2019 Conklin, Teresa M.
Understanding the Orthodox Jewish family during childbirth PURPOSE: This educational intervention uses the generalized empirical method (GEM) of Bernard Lonergan for nursing students to gain an understanding of the Orthodox Jewish family during childbirth. SETTING AND POPULATION: this activity occurred at a baccalaureate, nursing program in the Northeast United States. It consisted of two semesters of 32 undergraduate junior nursing students enrolled in a maternal-newborn nursing course. FINDINGS: Five themes emerged from students' reflective journaling related to the Orthodox Jewish Laws and traditions included: Laws of Modesty, Laws of Niddah, Laws of Sabbath and Holidays, Laws of Kosher, and Laws of Naming the child and circumcision.

Nursing Forum

2019 DeVito, Josephine
The Effect of a Pet Therapy and Comparison Intervention on Anxiety in Hospitalized Children The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a brief pet therapy visit and a comparison intervention on anxiety in hospitalized children. This quasi-experimental study compared state anxiety before and after structured research interventions in a convenience sample of children between the ages six and 17 (N = 93) in two groups. Participants were assigned to the pet therapy group or control group, based upon timing of data collection. Participants in each group received either a visit from the research assistant, therapy dog and handler, or from the research assistant for completion of a puzzle.

Journal of Pediatric Nursing

2019 Hinic, Katherine
No room at the inn: Use of maternal-child simulation when hospital clinical is restricted BACKGROUND: This qualitative, educational, and phenomenological study examined practical nursing (PN) students entering the maternal-child component of the nursing program. With the limited availability of hospital sites, students were unable to attain hands-on hospital experience. To bridge this gap in nursing education, strategies utilizing maternal-child high-fidelity simulation (HFS) were implemented as an effective intervention. METHODS: One group of students (n = 10) participated for this pilot project over one semester as part of their curriculum. Normal and emergency simulation training related to childbirth was reviewed first with lecture, then observing, practicing, and critiquing classmates during HFS exercises.

Nursing Forum

2019 Barra, Maryanne
Anticipatory loss in noncaregiving adult children: A hybrid concept analysis AIM: The aim of this article is to describe the concept of anticipatory loss in adult children for independent aging parents. BACKGROUND: The existing literature, with numerous definitions of anticipatory loss, is disease and event specific. The literature on anticipation of the normative losses experienced by adult children is sparse. DESIGN: The Schwartz-Barcott and Kim hybrid concept analysis was used to examine anticipatory loss in adult noncaregiving children. This three-step approach, involving literature review, fieldwork, and final analysis, has been used successfully to compare, revise, and expand a number of existing definitions. DATA SOURCE: Empirical and conceptual literature as well as qualitative fieldwork.

Nursing Forum

2019 Wells, Munira
Guidelines for creating meaningful meeting minutes In academia, documentation of meaningful minutes ensures quality and integrity of education practice and serves as evidence in accreditation reviews. Nurse faculty often share responsibility for minute taking during various academic meetings, but frequently lack mentorship and learn by trial and error. The article provides guidelines for formulating meaningful meeting minutes. It offers concrete strategies for ease and facilitation of comprehensive documentation of minutes

Teaching and Learning in Nursing

2019 Neville, Kathleen
Safe Childbirth: A Call to Action Since the publication of Lamaze's Six Healthy Birth Practice papers in 2014, there has been increasing concern with the safety of the current maternity care system. A doubling of the maternal mortality rate in the United States and the continued high cesarean rate, as well as ongoing research that supports physiologic birth and identifies the risks of interfering with the physiologic process, has resulted in updated guidelines for care and has spurred advocacy efforts to transform maternity care.

The Journal Of Perinatal Education

2019 Lothian, Judith A.
Healthy Birth Practice #4: Avoid Interventions Unless They Are Medically Necessary Maternity care in the United States continues to be intervention intensive. The routine use of intravenous fluids, restrictions on eating and drinking, continuous electronic fetal monitoring, epidural analgesia, and augmentation of labor characterize most U.S. births. The use of episiotomy has decreased but is still higher than it should be. These interventions disturb the normal physiology of labor and birth and restrict women's ability to cope with labor. The result is a cascade of interventions that increase risk, including the risk of cesarean surgery, for women and babies.

The Journal Of Perinatal Education

2019 Lothian, Judith A
The Relationships Among School Nurse to Student Ratios, Self-Efficacy, and Glycemic Control in Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes Adolescents with Type 1 diabetes (T1D) experience unique self-management challenges, which can lead to poor glycemic control and sequelae. School nurses may impact student self-efficacy behaviors for T1D management in adolescents. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships among school nurse staffing patterns, measured by school nurse to student ratios, self-efficacy, and glycemic control in adolescents with T1D. The sample consisted of 89 parent-adolescent dyads. Adolescents aged 10-16 years old with T1D completed the Self-Efficacy for Diabetes Self-Management (SEDM) Scale. Parents completed a demographic questionnaire. Higher school nurse to student ratios correlated with better glycemic control and older age.

The Journal of School Nursing

2019 Wilt, Lori
State of the Science, Best Evidence: Physical Restraint Use in the Critical Care Environment Physical restraint use (PR) is been a controversial practice occurring in nursing. Research supports that nurses decide whether or not to restrain a patient with a physician's verbal order often obtained after PR initiation. Therefore, nursing's role in PR use and its impact on the clinical environment needs to be examined.


2019 Stinson, Kristi J.
Transition From Hospital to Home: The Role of the Nurse Case Manager in Promoting Medication Adherence in the Medicare Population Lack of adherence to medication plans is a factor in costly hospital readmissions. Adherence to medication plans in the home care setting in relation to hospital readmission is a major issue among the Medicare population. Nurse case managers are in a key position to provide care after hospital discharge to promote medication adherence and thus reduce the chance of hospital readmission. This article discusses barriers to taking medications as prescribed and directed, the importance of ongoing medication reconciliation at home, and strategies to promote adherence to medication plans.

Creative nursing

2019 Logan, Diane
Child Temperament, Maternal Feeding Practices, and Parenting Styles and Their Influence on Obesogenic Behaviors in Hispanic Preschool Children Although obesogenic behaviors (physical activity and/or sedentary behavior and dietary intake) are known predictors of childhood weight status, little is known about mother and child behaviors contributing to obesogenic behaviors and obesity in Hispanic preschool children, whose obesity rate is higher than in non-Hispanic Whites and non-Hispanic Blacks. The purpose of this cross-sectional, descriptive study was to examine relationships among child temperament, maternal behaviors (feeding practices and parenting style), child obesogenic behaviors, and child weight status in 100 Hispanic preschool children.

The Journal of School Nursing

2019 Innella, Nancy
The Experience of Adult Children Caregiving for Aging Parents When the normal progression of life for an aging person is interrupted by a decline in physical and or mental abilities, adult children are often suddenly faced with assuming care of their parent(s). Currently, adult child caregivers of aging parents work up to 100 hours per month at caregiving. Most existing literature is focused on informal caregivers, which can consist of spouses, relatives, and friends' caregiving for persons with debilitating illnesses. Despite the amount of time dedicated to parental caregiving, little is known about the experience of this exclusive caregiver group. The aim of this study was to explore and describe the experience of adult children caregiving for aging parents at any stage of health.

Home Health Care Management & Practice

2019 Conway, Kimberly
UCLA Partners with GAPNA To Improve Alzheimer's and Dementia Care   Caring for the Ages 2019 Greenberg, Sherry
A Scoping Review of the Evidence about the nurses improving care for healthsystem elder (NICHE) program The Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders (NICHE) is a nurse-led education and consultation program designed to help health care organizations improve the quality of care for older adults. To conduct a scoping review of the evidence associated with the NICHE program to (a) understand how it influences patient outcomes through specialized care of the older adult and (b) provide an overview if implementation of the NICHE program across organizations as well as its impact on nursing professionals and the work environment. The Gerontolgist 2019 Greenberg, Sherry
Development of care competencies and recognition program fo gerontological nursing educators This paper describes the development of seven core competencies for nurse educators who teach in academic and professional development programs, as wll as criteria for their recognition. An iterative development process was used to define the core competencies, along with descriptions and exemplars of each domain. Journal of Professional Nursing 2019 Greenberg, Sherry
Provides Perspectives of Medication Complexity in Home Health Care: A Qualitative Secondary Data Analysis A primary service provided by home care is medication management. Issues with medication management at home place older adults at high risk for hospital admission, readmission, and adverse events. This study sought to understand medication management challenges from the home care provider perspective. Medical Care Research and Review 2019 Greenberg, Sherry