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Evidence-Based Practice PT

AMA Citation Examples for Online Resources

Here are a few examples of how to cite online sources in AMA format. For a complete discussion and further examples, see section 3.15, “Electronic References” in the AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors (10th ed.), located behind the Reference Desk at DML. Please note that specific abbreviations are required for journal titles, so you must consult the manual when in doubt.

An Article with a DOI (with continuous pagination through a volume)

Lynch D, Ferraro M, Krol J, Trudell CM, Christos P, Volpe BT. Continuous passive motion improves shoulder joint integrity following stroke. Clin Rehabil. 2005;19:594-599. doi:10.1191/0269215505cr901oa.

An Article with no DOI (with new pagination in each issue)

Pasero C, McCaffery M. No self-report means no pain-intensity rating: assessing pain in patients who cannot provide a report. Am J Nurs. October 2005;105:50-53. Accessed August 19, 2009.

An Article with no DOI (with continuous pagination through a volume)

Schulman SP, Becker LC, Kass DA, et al. L-Arginine therapy in acute myocardial infarction: the Vascular Interaction with Age in Myocardial Infarction (VINTAGE MI) randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2006;295:58-64. Accessed August 19, 2009.

An Online Book

Spiegelhalter DJ, Abrams KR, Myles, JP. Bayesian Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health-care Evaluation. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons; 2004. Accessed August 19, 2009.

Web Sites

American Physical Therapy Association. Code of ethics. Accessed August 19, 2009.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Calcium and bone health. Updated December 3, 2008. Accessed August 19, 2009

Guidelines for your Research Paper

American Medical Association Style for Research Papers from Dr. Abel Scribe.

AMA Citation Examples