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Global Health Studies at HMSOM

The Epidemiological Transition, Diagnosis & Care, low resource settings

Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs): The Social Justice Issue of our time

Monday, October 10, 2022 [4:30pm – 6:00 pm EST]

Learning Objectives:

This will be an interactive seminar-style conversation at the end of which students will be able to:

  1. Describe the epidemiology of global non-communicable diseases (NCDs), and the “epidemiologic transition” away from more commonly addressed communicable diseases
  2. Understand key global health players and interventions ongoing to address the problem, and shortcomings of the current efforts
  3. Appreciate the student role in contributing to this “social justice issue of our time”


  1. Robert Horton. Offline: Chronic diseases-The social justice issue of our time. The Lancet, 2015. 387:2378.
  2. World Health Organization. Global action plan for the prevention and control of chronic diseases, 2013-2020, 2013. Geneva: WHO Press.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Christine NgaruiyaDr. Christine Ngaruiya Is a faculty member of the Department of Emergency Medicine and Director of Global Health Research, Yale School of Medicine. Dr.Ngaruiya has conducted numerous studies on non-communicable diseases, emergency medicine and issues of equity in access to health care among women and underserved populations in Africa and the US. She has many research publications, as well as articles in Time Magazine, the Huffington Post, the Hill and other popular and political media. Her work has been funded by NIH, The World Bank, the Gates Foundation and other funding organizations.