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Physical Therapy

Twelve Months of Health Care Awareness

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National Physical Therapy Month, marked every October, recognizes the contributions that PTs and PTAs make to their patients and clients and to society. There are, however, dozens of days, weeks, and months designed to raise awareness of health or movement conditions and situations — ranging from brain injury and cancer to women's health and family caregivers. Some of these programs are created and promoted by government agencies. Others originated from associations and organizations representing specific populations.

The APTA created a list of awareness programs to illustrate some of the different conditions Physical Therapists manage. Many PTs can support their patients and clients whose conditions or situations are addressed by the awareness days, weeks, and months listed here. Links listed below may also help providers to collaborate with the community and use resources from both the APTA and the organizations promoting the awareness programs.


Alzheimer's Awareness Month

Alzhzeimer Society of Canada |


American Heart Month

American Heart Association |


Brain Injury Awareness Month

Brain Injury Association of America |

National Nutrition Month

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics |

National Sleep Awareness Week

National Sleep Foundation |


National Autism Awareness Month

Autism Society |

National Minority Health Month

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health |

National Public Health Week

American Public Health Association |


Arthritis Awareness Month

Centers for Disease Control And Prevention |

National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month

National Osteoporosis Foundation |

American Stroke Month

American Stroke Association |

National Women's Health Week

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day: May 8th

International Committee of the Red Cross |

Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases day: May 12th

CFIDS Association of America |


Men's Health Month

Men's Health Network |

Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month

Alzheimer's Association |

National Cancer Survivors Day: First Sunday

National Cancer Survivors Day |

Family Health and Fitness Day: second Saturday

National Recreation and Park Association |

Prevention, Wellness, and Disease Management:


Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month

Arthritis Foundation |


National Immunization Awareness Month

National Public Health Information Coalition |


Pain Awareness Month

American Chronic Pain Association |

World Alzheimer's Month

Alzheimer's Disease International |

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Action Month

Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy |

World Physical Therapy Day: September 8th

World Confederation of Physical Therapy |


National Physical Therapy Month

American Physical Therapy Association |

National Spina Bifida Awareness Month

Spina Bifida Association |

World Osteoporosis Day: October 20th

International Osteoporosis Foundation |


National Family Caregivers Month


American/National Diabetes Month

American Diabetes Association |

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases |

National Home Care and Hospice Month

National Association for Home Care and Hospice |

Great American Smokeout: third Thursday

American Cancer Society |

Physical Therapy Guide to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease:


World AIDS Day: December 1st

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |

International Day of Persons With Disabilities

United Nations |