The following section provides information on specific rare book titles and associated print materials related to the history of the Archdiocese of Newark along with broader works on Catholicism. The following titles below provide an introduction to the subject and offer a starting point for more involved research options.
- The Bishops of Newark, 1853-1978 : the first 125 years of the Archdiocese of Newark.
The Bishops of Newark, 1853-1978 : the first 125 years of the Archdiocese of Newark as seen through the lives and administrations of the seven men who have been its leaders / prepared under the direction of the New Jersey Catholic Historical Records Commission. South Orange, NJ: Seton Hall University Press, 1978.
- Seeds of faith, branches of hope : the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey
Ciccarino, Christopher. Seeds of faith, branches of hope : the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey. Strasbourg, France : Éditions du Signe, c2003.
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