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Data Science

Getting Started

R is an open-source statistical computing environment and programming language.  Here are books & ebooks we have at Walsh Library about programming with R.   Here is the latest about R from academic journals.
For more information about R usage on campus, follow the Digital Humanities Blog and join the Seton Hall Data Analytics Group on Facebook.

General Web Resources

RStudio offers free softwardedownloads that make it easier to work with R.  They also have video tutorials to build your skills.  RStudio icon
Try R from Code School and DataCamp have easy to follow modules to learn how to write basic R code. and provides interactive lessons that will get you writing real code in minutes.   Introductory courses are free.
The Magazine Computer World offers a Beginner's Guide to R.

Installing R

R is an open-source statistical computing environment and programming language, and it runs in conjunction with a GUI front-end called RStudio.  R and RStudio can be installed on Windows, OS X or Linux.
To install R:
  2. Click on CRAN (CRAN is a repository that houses the R installation package).  Choose the installation closest to you or use:
To install R Studio:
Source: Terence K. Teo, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and Public Affairs
PSMA6002 Syllabus, Research Methods & Statistical Analysis, Fall 2015