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Places to Study

2nd floor:

  • Silent Study Room is available all hours the library is open, for anyone seeking a quiet space to study or reflect.

  • After Hours Study Space

    • The room is adjacent to Dunkin’ Donuts on the library’s 2nd floor.

    • While this is not a silent space, it is a study space. Please be courteous to your fellow Pirates.

    • During the library’s regular operating hours, the room is open and available with entrance/exit only from within the library through the wooden door across from Dunkin Donuts library entrance.

    • During the library’s overnight hours, the room is accessible to current SHU students only, with entrance/exit only from outside the library through the card swipe door located on the walkway.

3rd and 4th Floors:

  • The library’s 3rd and 4th floors are designated as permanent quiet study areas.

  • Numerous study carrels distributed throughout both floors (headphones required).

    • Available on a first come, first served basis.

    • Only one person per carrel.

  • Group study rooms are given on a first come, first serve basis for a maximum of six hours. The rooms cannot be reserved. In order to request a group study room, come to the Circulation desk and scan the QR code. There must be two Seton Hall currently enrolled students, faculty and staff and they must have their Seton Hall id cards. View the Group Study Room Policy.

  • Scholar Study Rooms are primarily for the use of currently enrolled Seton Hall University graduate students and currently employed faculty and administrators. Rooms are available for one year, and are renewable.  For more information, contact the Library Administrative Office at 973-761-9005.