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ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)

ORCID Affiliation Report

Seton Hall is an ORCID institutional member. This provides additional metadata for Seton Hall affiliates which provides a level of trustworthiness to the information reported in your ORCID record. ORCID currently provides the ROR identifier for Seton Hall.

Screenshot of an ORCID record which displays the metadata of Seton Hall University to verify the information on the record.

Adding your SHU affiliation

To be added to the Seton Hall affiliation report, simply add Seton Hall University under a category of your ORCID record. See below for an example of entering Seton Hall University for the Employment section. Fill out all required information and save changes. Your metadata should appear immediately. If it does not, please contact the Scholarly Communications Librarian.

Screenshot of the employment dialog box that pops up when adding a new section to a category on ORCID