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Communication Research Methods (COMM 8000)

The purpose of this guide is to help you with your research for Communication Research Methods. Included in this guide are books and journals on research methods that will help with this course.

Research Guide: General Museum Resources Compiled by Professor Gregory Stevens, M.A.T. Director, Master of Arts in Museum Professions Seton Hall University


This research guide has been compiled to provide students with a comprehensive source of information about the museum field. This research guide provides at-a-glance information about museum organizations and seminal literature that guides museum practice—whether you plan to be a curator, educator, exhibit designer, registrar, or director. This information will be helpful to students engaged in assignments or projects that require research—whether a class assignment, a virtual exhibition, or master’s thesis/project.

The museum field is complex, made up of a wide range of types and sizes of cultural institutions, from large, encyclopedic art museums to children’s museums and science centers, to small historic houses and monuments. The museum field is constantly changing, having witnessed a dramatic shift in recent decades from being primarily collections-focused to visitor-centered. Museums are increasingly reaching new and broader audiences through technology and new media, while simultaneously grappling with our fundamental goal as educational institutions: to tell important stories with, for, and about the diverse world in which we live and the people with whom we share the planet.

Most recently, the museum field finds itself at a historic moment of transition, brought on by a global pandemic causing museums to shutter for months and resulting in loss of revenue and massive layoffs and furloughs of museum staff. While trying to best address the health and safety of visitors and staff, (and our collections), the pandemic has also forced museums to reimagine their strategic business models to be more sustainable now and for the future. Compounding this major reckoning is the increasing responsibility for museums to address and correct decades (centuries) of systemic racism, inequity, lack of representation, and other social issues that collectively have resulted in a field of institutions that are strikingly lacking in diversity at every level—board, leadership, staff, collections, exhibitions, programming, visitors, communities, and those choosing to enter the field through museum studies or similar professional training programs.

While this guide is comprehensive, it is by no means exhaustive. There are many sources of museum-related information that may appear in your research. If you find a source that is not included in this guide, please let me know!

Gregory Stevens

Director, Master of Arts in Museum Professions

Seton Hall University

Research Guide: General Museum Resources

Compiled by 

Professor Gregory Stevens, M.A.T.

Director, Master of Arts in Museum Professions

Seton Hall University

Table of Contents


Table of Contents


Museum Associations/Organizations 

Global/International Museum Organizations 

U.S. Museum Associations/Foundations/Professional Organizations 

Museum-related Federal Agencies 

National Museum Associations/Organizations/Foundations 

Regional Museum Associations/Organizations 

State Museum Associations/Organizations 





Selected Museum Literature/Resources 


Blogs/Online Communities/Online Resources 


Major Publishers 


Collections Stewardship/Curatorial Practice 


Education/Exhibitions/Interpretation/Visitor Experience 

Museum History/Function 

Museum Leadership/Planning 

Museum Studies/Museology 

Museums and Social Issues/Change/Ethics 

Selected Museum-related Researchers/Organizations 

Museum Sources/Organizations

Museum Associations/Organizations

Most museum organizations on the global, national, regional, and state level offer a range of useful resources—advocacy, affinity groups/communities of practice, articles, blogs, online communities, professional publications, professional develop programs and career resources, research, and standards and best practices. These organizations and their respective resources offer guidance and perspective on museum practice.

  • Global/International Museum Organizations
    • Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD)
    • Association of Art Museum Curators (AAMC)
    • Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists (ARCS)
    • Association for Science and Discovery Centres (ASDC, UK)
    • Canadian Museums Association (CMA)
    • Dutch Museum Association (DMA)
    • European Collaborative for Science, Industry & Technology Exhibitions (ECSITE)
    • European Museum Forum (EMF)
    • International Association of Women’s Museums (IAWM)
    • International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
    • International Council of Museums (ICOM), including numerous national committees and professional practice committees
    • International Foundation for Cultural Property Protection (ICCPP)
    • International Institute for Conservation (IIC)
    • International Museum Organizations

    • Instituto Latinoamericano de Museos (ILAM), known in English as the Latin American Institute of Museums

    • Museum Computer Network (MCN)
    • Museums and the Web (MW)
    • Museums Association (UK)
    • Museums Association of the Caribbean (MAC)
    • Museum Ethnographers Group (MEG, UK)
    • National Council of Science Museums (India)
    • Network of European Museum Organizations (NEMO)
    • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
    • World Monuments Fund

  • U.S. Museum Associations/Foundations/Professional Organizations

Museum-Related Federal Agencies

  • Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)
  • National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
  • National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
  • National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP)

National Museum Associations/Organizations/Foundations

  • Alice L. Walton Foundation
  • American Alliance of Museums (AAM)(formerly American Association of Museums), including over 20 Professional Networks (affinity groups)
  • American Association for Museum Volunteers (AAMV)
  • American Association for State and Local History (AASLH)
  • American Federation of Arts
  • Americans for the Arts (AFA)
  • American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC)
  • American Public Gardens Association (APGA)
  • American Society of Appraisers (ASA)
  • Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
  • Art Table
  • Association of Academic Museums and Galleries (AAMG)
  • Association of African American Museums (AAAM)
  • Association of Children’s Museums (ACM)
  • Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums (ALHFAM)
  • Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists (ARCS)
  • Association of Science Museum Directors (ASMD)
  • Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC)
  • Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA)
  • Black Interpreters Guild (BIG)
  • Center for Curatorial Leadership (CCL)
  • Center for the Future of Museums (CFM, an initiative of the American Alliance of Museums, AAM)
  • College Art Association (CAA)
  • Council for Museum Anthropology (CMA)
  • Council of American Jewish Museums (CAJM)
  • Council of American Maritime Museums (CAMM)
  • Council of State Archivists (CSA)
  • Fire Museum Network (FMN)
  • Ford Foundation
  • Gender Equity in Museums Movement (GEMM)
  • Getty Foundation
  • HeritageRail Alliance (HRA)
  • Historic Naval Ships Association (HNSA)
  • International Association of Museum Facility Administrators (IMTA)
  • International Museum Theatre Alliance (IMTA)
  • Knight Foundation
  • MASS Action (Museum as Site for Social Action)
  • Museum Computer Network (MCN)
  • Museum Education Roundtable (MER)
  • Museum Hue
  • Museum Store Association (MSA)
  • Museum Trustee Association (MTA)
  • National Art Education Association (NAEA)
  • National Association for Interpretation (NAI)
  • National Emerging Museum Professionals Network (NEMPN)
  • National Preservation Institute (NPI)
  • National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP)
  • Natural Science Collections Alliance (NSCA)
  • Oral History Association
  • Small Museums Association (SMA)
  • Smithsonian Institution
  • Society of American Archivists (SAA)
  • The Incluseum
  • The Inclusive Museum Research Network (IMRN)
  • Visitor Studies Association (VSA)
  • Wallace Foundation

Regional Museum Associations/Organizations

  • Arts Ed Newark
  • Association of Midwest Museums (AMM)
  • Greater Hudson Heritage Network (GHHN)
  • Mountain-Plains Museums Association (MPMA)
  • Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums (MAAM)
  • Midwest Open Air Museums Coordinating Council (MOAMCC)
  • New England Association of Museums (NEMA)
  • New England Conservation Association (NECA)
  • New York Museum Education Roundtable (NYCMER)
  • Northern States Conservation Center (NSCC)
  • Southeastern Museums Conference (SEMC)
  • Western Museums Association (WMA)

State Museum Associations              

  • Alabama Museums Association
  • Arkansas Museums Association
  • Association of Historical Societies of New Hampshire (AHSNH)
  • Association of Indiana Museums
  • Association of South Dakota Museums
  • California Association of Museums
  • Colorado-Wyoming Association of Museums
  • Connecticut League of History Organizations (CLHO)
  • Delaware Museum Association (DMA)
  • Florida Association of Museums
  • Georgia Association of Museums
  • Hawai’i Museums Association
  • Idaho Association of Museums
  • Illinois Association of Museums
  • Iowa Museum Association
  • Kansas Museums Association
  • Kentucky Museum and Heritage Alliance
  • Louisiana Association of Museums
  • Maine Archives & Museums (MAM)
  • Maryland Museums Association (MMA)
  • Michigan Museums Association
  • Minnesota Association of Museums
  • Mississippi Museums Association
  • Missouri Association for Museums & Archives
  • Montana Historical Society
  • Museums Alaska
  • Museum Association of Arizona
  • Museum Association of Montana
  • Museum Association of New York (MANY)
  • Nebraska Museums Association
  • New Jersey Association of Museums (NJAM)
  • New Mexico Association of Museums
  • North Carolina Museums Council
  • Ohio Museums Association
  • Oklahoma Museums Association
  • Oregon Museums Association
  • PA Museums (Pennsylvania Federation of Museums and Historical Organizations)
  • Vermont Historical Society (VHS)
  • South Carolina Federation of Museums
  • Southern Illinois Association of Museums
  • State Historical Society of North Dakota
  • Tennessee Association of Museums
  • Texas Association of Museums
  • Utah Museums Association
  • Virginia Association of Museums
  • Washington Museum Association
  • West Virginia Association of Museums
  • Wisconsin Federation of Museums

Selected Museum Literature/Resources - Journals/Magazines/Periodicals

Selected Museum Literature/Resources

The museum field has a long tradition of producing professional and scholarly literature focused on every aspect of museum practice, including the history and function of museums, planning and leading a museum, collections stewardship, exhibition and education programming, social issues, and technology.

  • Journals/Magazines/Periodicals
  • Art Daily
  • Art Journal
  • Art Newspaper
  • Curator: The Museum Journal
  • Dimensions (Association of Science-Technology Centers, ASTC)
  • Exhibition (formerly Exhibitionist)
  • Hand to Hand (Association of Children’s Museums, ACM)
  • History News (American Association for State and Local History, AASLH)
  • Informal Learning Review (Informal Learning Experiences, Inc.)
  • Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies
  • Journal of Museum Education (JME)
  • Journal of the American Institute for Conservation (JAIC)
  • International Journal of the Inclusive Museum (Inclusive Museum Research Network)
  • Museum (American Alliance of Museums, AAM)
  • Museum History Journal
  • Museum Management and Curatorship
  • Museum Worlds
  • Museums & Social Issues: A Journal of Reflective Discourse
  • TrendsWatch (annual publication from the Center for the Future of Museums, American Alliance of Museums)

  • Blogs/Online Communities/Online Resources
  • Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists (ARCS) Forum
  • Connecting to Collections Care Community
  • Culture Track
  • Emerging Conservation Professionals Community
  • Gender Equity in Museum Movement (GEMM)
  • Global Conservation Forum
  • Google Arts & Culture
  • Incluseum
  • Institute of Museum Ethics (IME, Seton Hall University)
  • Knology, Ltd.
  • Leadership Matters
  • MASS Action
  • Museopunks (podcast)
  • Museum Archipelago (podcast)
  • Museum-Ed (listserv)
  • Museum Human
  • Museum Junction (hosted by American Alliance of Museums)
  • Museum-L (listserv)
  • Museum 2.0
  • Museum Savvy
  • Museums and Race
  • National Emerging Museum Professionals Network
  • Of/By/For All
  • “Talking About Race” Portal (Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture)
  • Take 5


Selected Museum Literature/Resources - Books

  • Books (APA 7th ed.)

Major publishers of museum-related literature include the following:

  • Rowman & Littlefield
  • Routledge
  • Smithsonian Institution Press/Smithsonian Books
  • Wiley and Sons

Careers/Working in Museums

  • Burcaw, G. Ellis. (1997). Introduction to museum work (3rd ed). AltaMira Press.
  • Burdick, J. (2008). Creative careers in museums. Allworth.
  • Erdman, S. (Ed.). (2019). The care and keeping of museum professionals. Independent.
  • Glaser, J., & Zenetou, A. (1996). Museums: A place to work. Routledge.
  • Melber, L. M. (Ed.). (2014). Teaching the museum: Careers in museum education. The AAM Press.
  • Miller, S. (2019). How to get a museum job. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Schlatter, N. E. (2009). Museum careers: A practical guide for students and novices. Routledge.
  • Stevens, G., and Luke, W. (Eds.) (2012). A life in museums: Managing your museum career. The AAM Press/Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Young, T. (2019). So you want to work in a museum? Rowman & Littlefield.

Collections Stewardship/Curatorial Practice

  • Alexander, E. P. (1996). Museum masters: Their museums and their influence. Rowman & Littlefield/AltaMira Press.
  • Arp, C. (2019). Archival basics: A practical manual for working with historical collections. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Baars, C., & Campbell, B. A. (2019). The curation and care of museum collections. Routledge.
  • Decker, J. (2015). Collections care and stewardship: Innovative approaches for museums. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • George, A. (2015). The curator’s handbook. Thames & Hudson.
  • Lubar, S. D. (2017). Inside the lost museum: Curating, past and present. Harvard University Press.
  • Malaro, M. C., & DeAngelis, I. P. (2012). A legal primer on managing museum collections. (3rd ed.). Smithsonian Books.
  • Miller, S. (2020). Museum collection ethics: Acquisition, stewardship, and interpretation. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Obrist, H. U. (2008). A brief history of curating. JRP/Ringier.
  • Obrist, H. U. (2016). Ways of curating. (Reprint Ed.). Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
  • Reilly, M. (2018). Curatorial activism: towards an ethic of curating. Thames & Hudson.
  • Simmons, J. E. (2017). Things great and small. (2nd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Simmons, J. E., & Kiser, T. (Eds.). (2020). Museum registration methods. (6th ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Theobald, S. S. (Ed.) (2020). To give and to receive: A handbook on collection gifts and donations for museums and donors (2nd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Edited by Sharon Smith Theobald
  • Weil, S. E. (2000). A deaccession reader. American Alliance of Museums.
  • Yerkovich, S. (2016). A Practical guide to museum ethics. (Reprint ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.


  • Anderson, S., & Winesmith, K. (2020). The digital future of museums: Conversations and provocations. Routledge.
  • Blankenberg, N., Hossaini, A., Lord, B., & Lord, G. D. (Eds.). (2017). Manual of museum digital planning. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Decker, J. (2015). Technology and digital initiatives: Innovative approaches for museums. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Drotner, K., & Schrøder, K. C. (2017). Museum communication and social media: The connected museum. Routledge.
  • Drotner, K., Dziekan, V., Parry, R. & Schrøder, K. C. (Eds.). (2020). The Routledge handbook of museums, media and communication. Routledge.
  • Hooper-Greenhill, E. (2013). Museums, media, message (museum meanings). Routledge.
  • Hughes, S. A. (2019). Museum and gallery publishing: Theory to practice. Routledge.
  • Kidd, J. (2014). Museums in the new mediascape: Transmedia, participation, ethics. Routledge.
  • Koontz, C, & Mon, L. (2020). Marketing and social media: A guide for museums, libraries, and archives (2nd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.  
  • Spainhour, J. (2019). Museums and millennials: Engaging the coveted patron generation. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Wallace, M. (2016). How to create and maintain image, loyalty, and support (2nd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.

Education/Interpretation/Visitor Experience

  • Bergeron, A., & Tuttle, B. (2013). Magnetic: The art and science of engagement. The AAM Press.
  • Bingmann, M., Cutler, N., Grove, T., Johnson, A., Huber, K. A. (2017). The museum educator’s manual: Educators share successful techniques. (2nd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Butler, B. H., Koke, J, & Wells, M. (2013). Interpretive planning for museums: Integrating visitor perspectives in decision making. Routledge.
  • Chung, J., & Wilkening, S. (2009). Life stages of the museum visitor: Building engagement over a lifetime. The AAM Press.
  • Decker, J. (2015). Engagement and access: Innovative approaches for museums. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Dewey, J. (1938). Experience & education. (1997 reprint ed.). Touchstone.
  • Falk, J. H. (2009). Identity and the museum visitor experience. Routledge.
  • Falk, J. H., & Dierking, L. D. (2018). Learning from museums. (2nd ed.) Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Falk, J. H., & Dierking, L. D. (2013). The museum experience revisited. Left Coast Press.
  • Falk, J. H., Dierking, L. D., & Foutz, S. (Eds.). (2007). In principle, in practice: Museums as learning institutions. AltaMira Press/Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Hein, G. E. (2002). Learning in the museum. (2nd ed.). Routledge.
  • Hein, G. E. (2012). Progressive museum practice: John Dewey and democracy. Routledge.
  • Hein, G. E., & Alexander, M. (1998). Museums: Places of learning. American Association of Museums.
  • Hirzy, E. C. (Ed.). (2008). Excellence and equity: Education and the public dimension of museums. (Reprint ed.). American Association of Museums.
  • Hohenstein, J., & Moussouri, T. (2017). Museum learning: Theory and research as tools for enhancing practice. Routledge.
  • Hooper-Greenhill, E. (2007). Museums and education: Purpose, pedagogy, performance (museum meanings). Routledge.
  • Hooper-Greenhill, E. (2000). Museums and the interpretation of visual culture. Routledge.
  • Hooper-Greenhill, E. (1992). Museums and the shaping of knowledge. Routledge.
  • Hooper-Greenhill, E. (2011). Museums and their visitors. Routledge.
  • Hooper-Greenhill, E. (2013). Museums, media, message (museum meanings). Routledge.
  • Houtgraaf, D., & Vitali, V. (2008). Mastering a museum plan: Strategies for exhibit development. AltaMira Press.
  • King, B., & Lord, B. (2015). The manual of museum learning. (2nd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Lee, I. F. (2018). Joyful: The surprising power of ordinary things to create extraordinary happiness. Little, Brown Spark.
  • Levent, N. S., & Pascual-Leone, A. (2014). The multisensory museum: Cross-disciplinary perspectives on touch, sound, smell, memory, and space. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Parker, P. (2018). The art of gathering: How we meet and why it matters. Riverhead Books.
  • Pitman, B., & Hirzy, E. C. (2011). Ignite the power of art: Advancing visitor engagement in museums. Dallas Museum of Art.
  • Simon, N. (2016). The art of relevance. Museum 2.0.
  • Simon, N. (2010). The participatory museum. Museum 2.0.
  • Stenros, J. (2015). Playfulness, play, and games: A constructionist ludology approach. Tampere University Press.
  • Talboys, G. (2018). Museum educator’s handbook. (3rd ed.). Routledge.
  • Tilden, F. (1954). Interpreting our heritage (4th ed, 2008). University of North Carolina Press.
  • Vatsky, S. (2018). Museum gallery activities: A handbook. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Yerkovich, S. (2016). A Practical guide to museum ethics. (Reprint ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.

Selected Museum Literature/Resources - Books (Continued)

Exhibition Development and Design

  • Bjerregaard, P. (2019). Exhibitions as research: Experimental methods in museums. Routledge.
  • Bogle, E.  (2013).  Museum exhibition planning and design. AltaMira Press.
  • Bedford, L. (2016). The art of museum exhibitions: How story and imagination create aesthetic experiences. Routledge.
  • Case, A. (2016).  Calm technology principles and patterns for non-intrusive design. O’Reilly Media.
  • Chicone, S. J., & Kissel, R. A. (2013). Dinosaurs and dioramas: creating natural history exhibitions. Routledge.
  • Gonzalez, E. (2019). Exhibitions for social justice. Routledge.
  • Hill, D. (2014). Dark matter and trojan horses: A strategic design vocabulary. Strelka Press.
  • Lord, B., & Piacente, M. (Ed.). (2014). Manual of museum exhibitions. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Macleod, S. (Ed.). (2005). Reshaping museum space. Routledge.
  • Marincola, P. (Ed.). (2007). What makes a great exhibition? Reaktion Books.
  • McKenna-Cress, P., & Kamien, J. (2013). Creating exhibitions: Collaboration in the planning, development, and design of innovative experiences. Wiley & Sons.
  • McLean, K. M. (1993). Planning for people in museum exhibitions. Association of Science-Technology Centers.
  • Rader, K. A., & Cain, V. E. M. (2014). Life on display: Revolutionizing U.S. museums of science and natural history in the twentieth century. University of Chicago Press.
  • Roppola, T. (2014). Designing for the museum visitor experience. Routledge.
  • Samis, P. S., & Michaelson, M. (2016). Creating the visitor-centered museum. Routledge.
  • Serrell, B. (2015). Exhibit labels: An interpretive approach. (2nd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.

Museum History/Museology/Museum Studies/Museum Theory

  • Alexander, E. P., Alexander, M., & Decker, J. (2017). Museums in motion: An introduction to the history and functions of museums. (3rd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Ambrose, T., & Paine, C. (2017). Museum basics: The international handbook. (4th ed.). Routledge.
  • American Association of Museums. (1984). Museums for a new century: A report of the Commission on Museums for a New Century. American Association of Museums.
  • Anderson, G. (2019). Mission matters: Relevance and mission in the 21st century. American Alliance of Museums.
  • Anderson, G. (Ed.). (2012). Reinventing the museum: Historical and contemporary perspectives on the paradigm shift. (2nd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield/ AltaMira Press.
  • Beatty, B. (2017). An American Association for State and Local History guide to making public history. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Carbonell, B. M. (Ed.). (2012). Museum studies: An anthology of contexts. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Dana, J. C., Sweeney Price, M. L., & Weil, S. E. (Eds.). (1999). The new museum: Selected writings by John Cotton Dana. American Alliance of Museums.
  • Genoways, H. H., & Andrei, M. A. (Eds.). (2016). Museum origins: Readings in early museum history and philosophy. Routledge.
  • Gilman, B. I. (1917). Museum ideals of purpose and method. (Public domain, Andersite Press, 2017.
  • Harris, D. A. (2020). New solutions for house museums: Ensuring the long-term preservation of America’s historic houses (2nd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Hirzy, E. C. (Ed.). (2008). Excellence and equity: Education and the public dimension of museums. (Reprint ed.). American Association of Museums.
  • Humphrey, N., Laboratorio Museotecnico, & Wilk, C. (2004). Creating the British galleries at the V & A: A study in museology. V & A.
  • Latham, K. F., & Simmons, J. E. (2014). Foundations of museum studies: evolving systems of knowledge: evolving systems of knowledge. ABC-CLIO.
  • Macdonald, S. (Ed.). (2011). A companion to museum studies (Vol. 39). Wiley & Sons.
  • Marstine, J. (Ed.). (2008). New museum theory and practice: an introduction. Wiley & Sons.
  • Mason, R. (Ed.). (2019). Museum studies. Routledge.
  • Marstine, J. (2017). Critical practice: Artists, museums, ethics. Routledge.
  • Norris, L., & Tisdale, R. (2013). Creativity in museum practice. Left Coast Press/Routledge.
  • Rader, K. A., & Cain, V. E. M. (2014). Life on display: Revolutionizing U.S. museums of science and natural history in the twentieth century. University of Chicago Press.
  • Schwarzer, M. (2020). Riches, rivals & radicals: A history of museums in America. (3rd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Simmons, J. E. (2016). Museums: A history. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Tilden, F. (1954). Interpreting our heritage (4th ed, 2008). University of North Carolina Press.
  • Vagnone, F. D., & Ryan, D. E. (2015). Anarchist’s guide to historic house museums. Routledge.
  • Walhimer, M. (2015). Museums 101. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Weil, S. E. (1995) A cabinet of curiosities: Inquiries into museums and their prospects. Smithsonian Institution Press.
  • Weil, S. E. (2002). Making museums matter. Smithsonian Books.

Selected Museum Literature/Resources - Books (Continued)

Museum Leadership/Legal/Planning

  • Ackerson, A. W., and Baldwin, J. H. (2019). Leadership matters: Leading museums in an age of discord. (2nd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Ackerson, A. W., and Baldwin, J. H. (2017). Women in the museum: Lessons from the workplace. Routledge.
  • American Association of Museums. (1984). Museums for a new century: A report of the Commission on Museums for a New Century. American Association of Museums.
  • Anderson, G. (2019). Mission matters: Relevance and mission in the 21st century. American Alliance of Museums.
  • Anderson, G. (Ed.). (2012). Reinventing the museum: Historical and contemporary perspectives on the paradigm shift. (2nd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield/ AltaMira Press.
  • Bunch III, L. G. (2019). A fool’s errand: Creating the National Museum of African American History and Culture in the age of Bush, Obama, and Trump. Smithsonian Books.
  • Catlin-Legutko, C., & Klingler, S. (Eds.). (2011). Small museum toolkit. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Courtney, J. (Ed.). (2015). The legal guide for museum professionals. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Decker, J. (2015). Fundraising and strategic planning: Innovative approaches for museums. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Eid, H. (2020). Museum innovation and social entrepreneurship: A new model for a challenging era. Routledge.
  • Genoways, H. H., Ireland, L. M., & Catlin-Legutko, C. (2016). Museum administration 2.0. (Reprint ed.) Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Gurian, E. H. (2006). Civilizing the museum: The collected writings of Elaine Heumann Gurian. Routledge.
  • Gurian, E. H. (1995). Institutional trauma: Major change in museums and Its effect on staff. American Alliance of Museums.
  • Hirzy, E. C. (Ed.). (2008). Excellence and equity: Education and the public dimension of museums. (Reprint ed.). American Association of Museums.
  • Hudson, K. (1987). Museums of influence. Cambridge University Press.
  • Korn, R. (2018). Intentional practice for museums: A guide for maximizing impact. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Kuruvilla, H. H. (2016). A legal dictionary for museum professionals. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Lord, B., Lord, G. D., and Martin, L. (Ed.). (2012). Manual of museum planning. (3rd ed.). AltaMira Press.
  • Lord, G. D., & Markert, K. (2017). The manual of strategic planning for cultural organizations: A guide for museums, performing arts, science centers, public gardens, heritage sites, libraries, archives and zoos. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Malaro, M. C. (1994). Museum governance: Mission, ethics, policy. Smithsonian Books.
  • Miller, S. (2017). The anatomy of a museum: An insider’s text. Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Morris, M. (2018). Leading museums today: Theory and practice. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Morris, M. (2017). Managing people and projects in museums: Strategies that work. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Pennay, A. (2020). The civic mission of museums. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Phelan, M. E. (2014). Museum law: A guide for officers, directors, and counsel. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Rader, K. A., & Cain, V. E. M. (2014). Life on display: Revolutionizing U.S. museums of science and natural history in the twentieth century. University of Chicago Press.
  • Scott, C. A. (2017). Museums and public value: Creating sustainable futures. Routledge.
  • Silverman, L. H. (2009). The social work of museums. Routledge.
  • Silverman, R. (Ed.). (2014). Museum as process: Translating local and global knowledges. Routledge.
  • Simon, N. (2016). The art of relevance. Museum 2.0.
  • Simon, N. (2010). The participatory museum. Museum 2.0.
  • Weil, S. E. (2002). Making museums matter. Smithsonian Books.
  • Witcomb, A., & Message, K. (2020). Museum theory. Wiley Blackwell.
  • Yerkovich, S. (2016). A Practical guide to museum ethics. (Reprint ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.

Museums and Social Issues/Change/Ethics

  • Bailey, D. (Ed.) (2018). Interpreting immigration at museums and historic sites. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Bauer, A., Haines, C, & Marstine, J. (Eds.). (2014). New directions in museum ethics. Routledge.
  • Black, G. (2021). Museums and the challenge of change: Old institutions in a new world. Routledge.
  • Blankenberg, N., & Lord, G. D. (2016). Cities, museums, and soft power. American Alliance of Museums.
  • Brophy, S. S., & Wiley, E. (2013). The green museum: A primer on environmental practice. (2nd ed.). AltaMira Press.
  • Buggeln, G., & Franco, B. (Eds.). (2018). Interpreting religion at museums and historic sites. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Bunch III, L. G. (2019). A fool’s errand: Creating the National Museum of African American History and Culture in the age of Bush, Obama, and Trump. Smithsonian Books.
  • Bunch III, L. G. (2011). Call the lost dream back: Essays on history, race, & museums. American Library Association Editions.
  • Bunch III, L. G. (2014). Interpreting African American history and culture at museums and historic sites (Vol. 3). Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Bunning, K. (2020). Negotiating race and rights in museums. Routledge.
  • Burns, A. (2013). From storefront to monument: Tracing the public history of the black museum movement. University of Massachusetts Press.
  • Chatterjee, H., & Noble, G. (2020). Museums, health, and well-being. Routledge.
  • Chynoweth, A., Lynch, B., Petersen, K., & Smed, S. (Eds.). (2020). Museums and social change: Challenging the unhelpful museum. Routledge.
  • Davidson, L., & Pérez-Castellanos, L. (2018). Cosmopolitan ambassadors: international exhibitions, cultural diplomacy and the polycentral museum. Vernon Press.
  • Dickey, J. W., El Azar, S., & Lewis, C. M. (Eds.). (2013). Museums in a global context: National identity, international understanding. The AAM Press.
  • Dodd, J, Garland-Thompson, R., & Sandell, R. (2010). Re-Presenting disability: Activism and agency in the museum. Routledge.
  • Edson, G. (1997). Museum ethics: Theory and practice. Routledge.
  • Ferentinos, S. (2014). Interpreting LGBT history at museums and historic sites. Rowaman & Littlefield.
  • Gökciğdem, E. M. (Ed.) (2019). Designing for empathy: Perspectives on the museum experience. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Gökciğdem, E. M. (Ed.) (2016). Fostering empathy through museums. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Gonzalez, E. (2019). Exhibitions for social justice. Routledge.
  • Gurian, E. H. (2006). Civilizing the museum: The collected writings of Elaine Heumann Gurian. Routledge.
  • Gurian, E. H. (1995). Institutional trauma: Major change in museums and Its effect on staff. American Alliance of Museums.
  • Hayhoe, S. J. (2017). Blind visitor experiences at art museums. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Hirzy, E. C. (Ed.). (2008). Excellence and equity: Education and the public dimension of museums. (Reprint ed.). American Association of Museums.
  • Huyuk, H. (2020). Doing women's history in public: A handbook for interpretation at museums and historic sites (2nd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Janes, R. R., & Sandell, R. (2019). Museum activism. Routledge.
  • Janes, R. R. (2017). Museums without borders: The selected writings of Robert R. Janes. Routledge.
  • Knell, S.J., MacLeod, S., & Watson, S. (ed.) (2007). Museum revolutions: How museums change and are changed. Routledge.
  • Knell, S.J., Aronsson, P., Amundsen, A. B., Barnes, A. J., Burch, S., Carter, J., Gosselin, V., Hughes, S. A., & Kirwan, A. (Eds.) (2011). National museums: New studies from around the world. Routledge.
  • Labadi, S. (2019). Museums, immigrants, and social justice. Routledge.
  • Levin, A. K. (2010). Gender, sexuality and museums. Routledge.
  • Lonetree, A. (2012). Decolonizing museums: representing Native America in national and tribal museums. University of North Carolina Press.
  • Marstine, J. (Ed.). (2011). The Routledge companion to museum ethics: redefining ethics for the 21st century museum. Routledge.
  • Message, K. (2013). Museums and activism: Engaged protest. Routledge.
  • Nightingale, E., & Sandell, R. (2012). Museums, equality and social justice. Routledge.
  • Oncuil, B. (2017). Museums, heritage and indigenous voice: Decolonizing engagement. Routledge.
  • Pennay, A. (2020). The civic mission of museums. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Rader, K. A., & Cain, V. E. M. (2014). Life on display: Revolutionizing U.S. museums of science and natural history in the twentieth century. University of Chicago Press.
  • Reilly, M. (2018). Curatorial activism: towards an ethic of curating. Thames & Hudson.
  • Sandell, R. (2016). Museums, moralities and human rights. Routledge.
  • Silverman, L. H. (2009). The social work of museums. Routledge.
  • Silverman, R. (Ed.). (2014). Museum as process: Translating local and global knowledges. Routledge.
  • Sutton, S. (2017). Environmental sustainability at historic sites and museums. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Weil, S. E. (2002). Making museums matter. Smithsonian Books.
  • Yerkovich, S. (2016). A Practical guide to museum ethics. Rowman & Littlefield.

Selected Museum-related Researchers/Organizations

Selected Museum-related Researchers/Organizations

The following represent a few of the leading researchers and organizations engaged in research and study that focuses on and impacts the museum field and cultural sector.

  • Art Bridges
  • Barr Foundation
  • Center for the Future of Museums, American Alliance of Museums (specifically the annual TrendsWatch report)
  • Cuture Track (initiative of LaPlaca Cohen)
  • Colleen Dilenschnieder (Know Your Own Bone/IMPACTS Research)(Including videos)
  • Zahava Doering (Thinc Design, Smithsonian Institution, Curator: The Journal)
  • John Falk and Lynn Dierking
  • Ford Foundation
  • Institute for Learning Innovation
  • LaPlaca Cohen
  • Knight Foundation
  • Knology, Ltd.
  • Mellon Foundation
  • PGAV Destinations (specifically the annual Voice of the Visitor report)
  • RK & A (Randi Korn & Associates)
  • Slover Linett Audience Research
  • Terra Foundation for American Art
  • Wallace Foundation (specifically the Knowledge Center on audience research)
  • Wilkening Consulting (specifically data infographics)

Museum Sources/Organizations

Museum Associations/Organizations

Most museum organizations on the global, national, regional, and state level offer a range of useful resources—advocacy, affinity groups/communities of practice, articles, blogs, online communities, professional publications, professional develop programs and career resources, research, and standards and best practices. These organizations and their respective resources offer guidance and perspective on museum practice.

  • Global/International Museum Organizations
  • U.S. Museum Associations/Foundations/Professional Organizations

Museum-Related Federal Agencies

National Museum Associations/Organizations/Foundations

Regional Museum Associations/Organizations

State Museum Associations              

Selected Museum Literature/Resources - Journals/Magazines/Periodicals

Selected Museum Literature/Resources

The museum field has a long tradition of producing professional and scholarly literature focused on every aspect of museum practice, including the history and function of museums, planning and leading a museum, collections stewardship, exhibition and education programming, social issues, and technology.

  • Journals/Magazines/Periodicals
  • Blogs/Online Communities/Online Resources

Selected Museum Literature/Resources - Books

  • Books (APA 7th ed.)

Major publishers of museum-related literature include the following:

Careers/Working in Museums

Collections Stewardship/Curatorial Practice


Education/Interpretation/Visitor Experience

Selected Museum Literature/Resources - Books (Continued)

Museum Leadership/Legal/Planning

Museum History/Museology/Museum Studies/Museum Theory

Selected Museum Literature/Resources - Books (Continued)  

Museum Leadership/Legal/Planning

Museums and Social Issues/Change/Ethics

Selected Museum-related Researchers/Organizations

Selected Museum-related Researchers/Organizations

The following represent a few of the leading researchers and organizations engaged in research and study that focuses on and impacts the museum field and cultural sector.