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Computer Science

Finding Journals at SHU

Most of our journals are available online, although some older titles are only available in print.

To browse current journals, open the drop down box to the left of the search box on library home page and select JOURNALS

If you are looking for a particular journal, type the title or keywords from the title in the search box.  If you want to see what journals we have on a subject, just type in the subject (e.g. Psychology).

This takes you to BROWZINE - which is for BROWSING journals, not searching within them.

If you want to search within a journal, go to the FIND tab on the top left of the library home page and select JOURNALS and again type the name of the journal in the search box. TIP:  if the title is short or has many common words, change "match all words" to "match exact words". 

This will take you to the Journals A-Z List.   If the library holds the journal you want,  the results will show the period of availability for full-text articles. You can then link directly to the journal, either as a stand-alone title or within the database(s) that contains it, by clicking on the journal title.  Note that coverage dates can vary between databases. 

TIP:  this search will also show whether we have the journal in print.  Print journals are located on the third floor of Walsh Library..  If you are on online student, you may request articles from journals held only in print via interlibrary loan.

If you cannot find the journal you need, you can request a copy of the article(s) you need through interlibrary loan.


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