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Special Education Journals

Disability Research Journal

Overview: Earlier in the semester, you were introduced to professional literature, such as Teaching Exceptional Children, as a means of keeping current with evidence based practices to support students with disabilities. The current assignment builds on your Disability Research Journal by gathering research related to the central disability in your First Person text. For example, if you read a book about a student with a hearing impairment, that disability would be the focus for your on-going research.

Step 1

Locate and read 3 professional literature sources (journal articles, book chapters, books, published web research associated with a research institution) about the disability associated with your First Person text.

You can locate professional literature sources using journals like Teaching Exceptional Children or the Journal of Learning Disabilities. You can also use databases like ERIC or Education Database. Links to all four resources are below.

Step 2

Provide a title for each new page in your OneNote journal—the first few words of the research article title would work.

  • Write a summary of each article. Please place the full citation for the article (APA format) at the top of the page before starting the summary.
  • Please describe, at the start of the summary, what kind of information is being summarized. For example, is this a literature review, is it survey research, a single case study, multi-group comparison?

Step 3

ReSHARE your OneNote journal with your faculty member. (In theory, as you make updates in a journal already shared, the faculty member should be able to see it, but to be sure, reSHARE.)