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English 1201 Research Guide

In-Person Library Instruction

Requesting In-Person Library Instruction for English 1201

For English 1201 faculty interested in requesting an in-person instruction session instead of using the online modules, please do so through the form below.

Please note the following deadlines for the Spring 2025 semester:

  • The last day to request an English 1201 or 1202 in-person library instruction session is April 14, 2025.
  • The last day of English 1201 or 1202 in-person library instruction is April 29, 2025.

Pre-Survey and Post-Quiz Requirements for English 1201 In-Person Instruction

English 1201 faculty who opt for in-person instruction are asked to have their students complete the 1201 Pre-Survey before their library session and the 1201 Post-Quiz after their library session. In-person instruction sessions do not need to complete the online modules or quizzes. Both the survey and the quiz can be found on the left-hand side of this page under "In-Person Instruction Resources".