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Searching for information is a process.
The Library offers a number of search engines, known as databases, to help you find academic information efficiently. Most databases will help you find journal articles, while others search reference books, newspaper or magazine articles, images, or even maps. Choosing the right search tool is important. If you are unsure which one to use, Ask a Librarian!
1) Make sure you know what kinds of information your professor requires or will accept. Articles? Books? Music? Interviews?
2) Be aware of different search tools that can help you find information. The library has access to information that is not available on the open web. It's okay if you don't know how to search using these library tools....they work differently from Google. Here are a couple of examples:
3) Don't give up if the library doesn't have the article you want or the book you need. Interlibrary loan is a system that allows patrons to borrow materials from other libraries. It's a free service and most items arrive in less than a week. There are two ways to access materials via Interlibrary Loan:
4) Know where to ask for help if you get stuck or need more assistance. Librarians are trained information professionals. It's our job to help people find and access information.
Now that you're familiar with some search tools, let's see how to use them. You have been assigned a paper on exploring some aspect of college students lives. Let's say you've narrowed down your topic and have decided to look for information about the impact of stress or anxiety on college students. Your professor wants you to find a book or two and some articles in magazines scholarly journals. Remember, that searching in the library catalog and databases is a little different than searching in Google.
Step by step: Searching for books by topic
1) Go to the library web site and click on Search Books
2) Type in couple of key words, i.e. "college students" and "stress" (note: just type in a word or two. typing too many words will confuse the catalog)
3) Look for the call number and availability of the titles..... Call numbers starting from A through P--fourth floor. Call numbers starting Q through Z,--third floor. Reference books--second floor.
Step by step: Searching for articles in a database:
1) Go to your library web site and click on "Find" and select Databases or use the "SHUSearch" screen....
2) If in databases, go to Academic Search Complete
2) type in "college students" and "stress", for example
3) Look for a PDF link beneath the article citations or or click on the "full text through linkSource" link