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Bloomberg Terminal

The Keyboard

Please note that it is not necessary to have a special Bloomberg provided keyboard, like the ones shown here. Users can navigate the Terminal with a standard keyboard. 

  • For yellow command keys use the F2 - F12 keys on a standard keyboard. These keys correspond with market sectors.
    • F2 <GOVT> - government securities (U.S. treasury and non-U.S.)

    • F3 <CORP> - corporate debt

    • F4 <MTGE> - mortgage securities

    • F5 <M-MKT> - money market

    • F6 <MUNI> - municipal debt

    • F7 <PFD> - preferred shares

    • F8 <EQUITY> - equity shares

    • F9 <COMDTY> - commodity markets

    • F10 <INDEX> - indexes

    • F11 <CURNCY> - currency markets

    • F12 <CLIENT> - Portfolio functionality

  • For green command keys type with the Terminal's command line. 
    • <HELP>:  Enter any word/phrase & press

    • <MENU>: Press to return to the prev screen

    • <PAGE FWD/BACK>: Scroll through multi-screen page

    • <PRINT>: To print.  Number + <PRINT> for multiple screen prints

  • The red command keys help you log off. Press the Esc key twice on a standard keyboard.