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Country Research

Country Statistics (DIPL 6153AA)

Statistical resources for poverty, development, economy, politics, political institutions and aid.

Featured Resources

Interlibrary Loan

If you need a resource that University Libraries does not subscribe to, we can help.  Articles are ordered through our ILLIAD system and are often available free of charge within 24 hours.  A pdf will be deposited in your library account.


Books are ordered through EZBorrow .


Search Tips

Yes, you can Google, but try these strategies to improve your search skills:
  • Use Advanced Search with AND, OR, NOT (Boolean searching)
  • “  “ (quotation marks) will narrow search to ONLY words contained within quotation marks         
  • For primary sources, intermingle search terms with letters, memoirs, oral history, diaries, finding aid
  • Use a variety of search terms appropriate for the time period you are researching
  • Different databases use varied terminology
  • Use sidebar limiters in databases to broaden or narrow search
  • Use bibliographies for citation chasing

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