When booking an appointment, it is helpful to know what types of objects and themes you are researching. Researchers may request an appointment to view the database/objects at the discretion of the Collections Manager in consultation with appropriate staff.
The first Sino-Japanese War (1894 – 95) was a conflict between the Qing dynasty of China and the Empire of Japan primarily over influence in the Korean peninsula. Though foreign observers had predicted an easy victory for China, the Japanese triumphed, marking their emergence as a world power. Gift of Dr. Henry D. Rosin
French and American photographer Peter Turnley has documented many world conflicts. He is interested recording the realities of war, noting that the news does not address the human consequences of war. This image from the Gulf War, showing a solider wielding a machine gun near a child, poignantly documents these brutal realities. Gift of Tony Distefano
This scarf contains the text of three speeches given during the second Italian invasion of Ethiopia (1935 – 1937) by the Italian Prime Minister and founder of the Fascist Party. The first speech announces the invasion of Ethiopia, the second – its annexation, and the third - the occupation of Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa. Gift of Ruth Bystrom
Nelson Mandela was the first black head of state in South Africa, as well as its first democratically elected president. An attorney and anti-apartheid revolutionary, he was arrested many times – spending over 27 years in jail for offenses including treason, protesting, and ties to the African National Congress (ANC) and the Pan Africanist Congress. Gift of Kevin and Delia Willsey
Pavlovic grew up on the former Yugoslavia in an era she describes as “burdened with photographic representation of socialist propaganda.” Her photographs reveal the inconsistencies of cultural histories which are fabricated to suit official accounts. In doing so, she exposes “the friction between personal and political narratives” and the divides between individual recollections compared to government accounts of events. Gift of Tony Distefano
Rich in raw materials, the Guizhou region of China fueled the country’s industrial development, though it remains impoverished. The main industries in Guizhou are timber, forestry, energy and mining though the country is trying to redevelop the area as a technology hub. Guizhou is experiencing numerous environmental challenges, such as desertification and water shortages. Gift of Kevin and Delia Willsey
Many artistic works are protected by copyright and have to be cleared by the creator’s estate for high quality images. In order to obtain permission to use high-quality images, you must reach out to the creator’s estate, or potentially the photographer of the piece. Walsh Gallery adheres to the Association of Art Museum Directors Guidelines For The Use Of Copyrighted Materials And Works Of Art By Museums linked below. If you have done your due diligence, the likelihood of having an issue with copyright is lower, but not impossible. You can still use a piece in your research with a low-quality thumbnail or by describing the artwork. It is vital to cite your sources as well! See below for assistance with citations.
The Seton Hall University Blog is a great resource as well for research, linked here, the curators of the gallery feature objects of the week, announcements for exhibitions both online and in person, and so much more.