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Research Data Services

About The DataLab

May 2024 - We have had 3 successful years of DataLab projects funded by the Office of the Provost.  We are currently taking a pause to determine the future of this initiative.  We appreciate the efforts of the faculty and undergraduate students that have completed projects from 2021-2024.  

The DataLab is an initiative that aims to provide students with the skills and training necessary to conduct high-quality research projects. The DataLab is designed to support Seton Hall University's faculty research initiatives and provide students with practical skills that are highly valued in today's job market.

As an interdisciplinary project, the DataLab brings together students and faculty members from a variety of academic backgrounds, including the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Our DataLab is open to all students, regardless of their major or academic background, and we welcome students from all levels of study.

One of the unique aspects of the DataLab is our focus on data management and data analysis. We believe these skills are essential for conducting rigorous research and producing high-quality results. Our students are trained to use various data analysis software programs, including Atlas.ti, SPSS, Stata, Python, ArcGIS, and R, to analyze and visualize data from their research projects. In addition to these technical skills, we also provide training in research ethics, project management, and research methods.

Students who participate in the DataLab are required to attend a minimum of four data classes, participate in hands-on workshops, and work with faculty members to complete research projects. By the end of the DataLab, students will have gained a deep understanding of the research process and will have developed the skills necessary to conduct high-quality research on their own.

At the DataLab, we believe that research should be accessible to everyone, and we are committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity in all of our programs. We strive to create a welcoming and supportive community where all students can thrive and reach their full potential. Attached is an image of the DataLab process.

If you are interested in joining the DataLab or learning more about our program, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

An infographic titled 'Datalab by Research Data Services' funded by the Seton Hall Academies Initiative. The infographic outlines the research support process for undergraduate and graduate students through various stages. Central to the diagram is a blue circle labeled 'Undergraduate & Graduate Students.' Surrounding this central circle are six interconnected sections labeled 'Research Training,' 'Data Analysis Training,' 'Software Training,' 'Research Production,' 'Data Management Training,' and 'Research Idea.' Additional elements around the main circle include 'Research Idea,' 'Research Design,' 'Recruitment,' 'Hands-on training,' 'Follow-up Consultations,' and 'Outcome.' Each section is accompanied by relevant icons and brief descriptions. The infographic emphasizes the training and support provided to students by the Research Data Services (RDS) team, including hands-on training, consultations, and outcomes such as a stipend and skills in data analysis and professional presentations.