Encyclopedia of American Catholic History, The by Michael Glazier; Thomas Shelly (Editor)Call Number: Reference BXZ1406.2 .E53 1997
ISBN: 0814659195
Publication Date: 2005-03-01
This first reference work of its kind ever published in the United States is a splendid and unique achievement created by hundreds of historians and writers who cooperated to narrate the saga of American Catholicism. Beginning with Columbus, this comprehensive work spans half a millennium and covers the men, women, and events that shaped Catholic life in a vast and diverse nation. Over1,200 articles, 300 photographs, and a million words comprise this elegant volume, which provides American Catholics with a panoramic and extraordinary education in their identity and heritage. Edited by Michael Glazier and Thomas J. Shelley, "The Encyclopedia of American Catholic History" recounts the struggles and status of American Catholics in every generation of the nation's history. It also narrates and charts the phenomenal growth of the Church in each of the fifty states. It contains hundreds of factual biographies of men and women from al stratas of society. It focuses on the explorers; the pioneering Spanish, French, and English missionaries; the struggles of the colonial and revolutionary era; the turbulent and transforming nineteenth century with its waves of immigrants; the industrial revolution; and the challenges and crises of this century, down to our day. al the major events and movements which united or divided Catholics are covered: The Revolution, Lay Trusteeism, slavery and the Civil War, the arrival of immigrants, Nativism and bigotry, Americanism, Modernism, the Labor Movement, the Knights of Columbus, wars, anti-semitism, the New Deal and Prohibition, anti- Communism, McCarthyism, the Women's Revolution, civil rights, Vietnam, "Human vitae," liturgy, and capital punishment. Other subjects, which were often neglected by past historians, are given greater consideration. These include the role of women and Native Americans and the growth of Catholicism in the United States. The great personalities men and women from each decade and era are perceptively portrayed, and rewarding attention is given to the women lay and religious who played a major role in educating and forming the Catholic children of America for over five generations. Entries are arranged alphabetically for convenient use by those who preach, teach, or study. The primary aim of each entry, whether it reflects some original research or summarizes existing scholarship, is to provide basic information while its bibliographical citations open the road to further study. The American Catholic Church has been the home to a vast variety of people. The notable men and women who appear in these pages represent countless millions who are little known. But American Catholicism today is the living monument to their lives and labors. Knowing their history gives today's Americans confidence, and "The Encyclopedia of American Catholic History" is a celebration of their faith. The contributors to this work have been selected for their scholarship and competence. Among the hundreds of distinguished contributors are: James Hennesey, Kathleen Neils Colzen, Mary Oates, Karen Kennelly, James Pula, Philip Gleason, Steven Avella, Dominic Monti, Jaime Vidal, Kenneth Baker, Sandra Yokum Mize, David O'Brien, Thomas Spalding, Archbishop Oscar Lipscomb, Gerald Fogerty, Clyde Crews, Christopher Kauffman, Robert Trisco, Patrick Carey, and Mary Elizabeth Brown. "Over four decades ago, Michael Glazier began his publishing career in Ireland. After coming to America he studied the focal aspects of U.S. publishing, from book design to marketing and eventually became a consultant to a group of American and European publishers. In 1972 he founded Scholarly Resources Inc., which specializes in diplomatic, legal and congressional history. He initiated and directed the publication of standard reference works including the 150-volume "British Parliamentary Papers of the Eighteenth Century." In 1977 he founded Michael Glazier Inc. which published both scholarly religious and secular title