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Msgr. James C. Turro Seminary Library Periodicals
(Updated: October 7, 2019)
Almanac, Catholic (in storage)
1954, 1967, 1974 - 75, 1977 - 78, 1980, 1983 - 1985, 1988 - 1998
Acta Apostolicae Sedis
v. 1+; 1909+
Acta Sanctae Sedis Compendium
v. 1 - 41; 1872 - 1908
A.I.M. Monastic Bulletin (I.M.A., 1996)
1992 - 2001
Africa Theological Journal
v. 21+; 1992+
African Ecclesial Review (AFER)
v. 34 - 36; 1992 - 1994
American Benedictine Review
v. 21+; 1970+
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly
v. 64+; 1990+
American Catholic Quarterly Review (in storage)
v. 3 - 24; 1877 - 1918
American Catholic Sociological Review (in storage)
1942 - 1963
American Catholic Studies
v. 100 - 122; 1999 - 2012
American Ecclesiastical Review
v. 1 - 169; 1890 - 1975
American Historical Review
v. 46 - 57; 64 - 68; 92 - 99
American Journal of Theology and Philosophy
v. 14+; 1993+
American Libraries
American Theological Library Association: Summary of Proceedings
Analecta Bollandiana
v. 1+; 1882+
Andrews University Seminary Studies
v. 15+; 1977+
v. 4+; 1927+
Anglican Theological Review
v. 46+; 1962+
Annali di storia dell 'esegesi
v. 8+; 1991+
Annuario Pontificio
Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum
v. 18+; 1986+
Anthropos (in storage)
v. 83 - 113; 1988 - 2018
v. 7+; 2002+
v. 37+; 1962+
v. 1+; 1928+
v. 7+; 1964+
Aquinas Review
v. 1 - 17; 1994 - 2010
Ashland Theological Journal (in storage)
v. 18 - 45; 1987 - 2013
Assembly (in storage)
v. 7+; 1982+
Attivita Della Santa Sede (in storage)
1943 - 1955
Augustinian Heritage (in storage)
v. 32 - 38; 1990 - 1992
Augustinian Studies
v. 1 - 6, v. 14+; 1970 - 1975, 1983+
v. 3+; 1958+
Australasian Catholic Record
v. 16+; 1939+
Beacon (newspaper)
Bibbia e Oriente
v. 3+; 1961+
Bibel und Kirche
v. 18+; 1963+
Bible Bhashyam: An Indian Biblical Q
v. 17+; 1991+
Bible et vie Chretienne
n. 43 - 107; 1962 - 1972
Bible Review (Merged with Biblical Archeaology Review)
v. 4 - 21; 1988 - 2005
Bible Today, The
v. 1+; 1962+
Bible Translator
v. 15+; 1964+
v. 1+; 1920+
Biblical Archeologist (now: Near Eastern Archeology)
v. 1 - 59; 1938 - 1996
Biblical Archeology Review
v. 1+; 1975+
Biblical Interpretation: A Journal of Contemporary Approaches
v. 1+; 1993+; online
Biblical Research
v. 1+; 1956+
Biblical Theology Bulletin
v. 1+; 1971+
Bibliotheca Sacra
v. 133+; 1976+
Biblische Zeitschrift
v. 8 - 13; 1910 - 1915; v. 5+; 1961+
Bijdragen: (Now: International Journal of Philosophy and Theology)
v. 9 - 73; 1948 - 2012
v. 2 - 14; 1988 - 2000
Bishop's Committee on the Liturgy Newsletter
v. 1+; 1965+
Bishop's Committee on the Liturgy: Report
v. 27+; 1991+
Books & Culture: a Christian Review (newspaper)
Bulletin (Ecumenical News International)
n. 3+; 1996+
Bulletin: Council of Societies for the Study of Religion
Bulletin de Litterature Ecclesiastique
v. 65+; 1964+
Bulletin D'Histoire Benedictine
v. 11+; 1993+
Bulletin for the Study of Religion (in storage)
v. 39+; 2010+
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
n.125+; 1952+
Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics
v. 8+; 1999+; online
Canon Law Abstracts
n. 1+; 1958+
Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland Newsletter
n. 96+; 1993+
Catechumenate: A Journal of Christian Initiation (formerly: Chicago Catechumenate)
v. 9 - 36; 1987 - 2014
Catholic Advocate (newspaper)
Catholic Answers (formerly: This Rock) (in storage)
Catholic Answer, The
Catholic Biblical Quarterly
v. 1+; 1939+
Catholic Dossiers: Issues in the Round (in storage)
v. 1 - 8; 1995 - 2002
Catholic Educational Review
v. 1 - 66; 1911 - 1969
Catholic Education
v. 1 - 13, 1997 - 2010
Catholic Herald (magazine)
Catholic Historical Review
v. 1 - 6; 1915 - 1921 (old series); v.1+; 1921+; online
Catholic Lawyer (now: Journal of Catholic Legal Studies)
v. 1 - 43; 1955 - 2003
Catholic Library World
v. 63+; 1992+
Catholic Register (newspaper)
Catholic Social Science Review
v. 3+, 1998+
Catholic Spirit(newspaper)
Catholic Standard (newspaper)
Catholic Star Herald (newspaper)
Catholic Theological Society of America: Proceedings
Catholic World (see: New Catholic World)
Catholic Worker (newspaper)
Catholicism in Crisis
v. 1 - 4; 1982 - 1986
Centro Pro Unione
n. 27 - 82; 1985 - 2012
Chesterton Review
v. 11+; 1985+
Chicago Studies
v. 1+; 1962+
Christ to the World
v. 9 - 57; 1964 - 2012
Christian Bioethics
v. 4 - 17; 1998 - 2011; online
Christian Century
v. 87 - 88, 91+; 1970 - 72,74+
Christian Order
v. 7+; 1966+
Christian Scholar's Review
v. 23+; 1993+
Christianity and Crisis (now: Crisis: Politics, Culture & the Church)
v. 30 - 52; 1970 - 1993
Christianity Today
v. 14+; 1970+
Christus (France)
v. 9+; 1962+
Christus (Mexico)
v. 40+; 1975+
Church (in storage)
v. 1 - 22; 1985 - 2006
Church History
v. 40; 1971+
Ciencia Tomista
v. 93+; 1966+
Cistercian Studies
v. 7 - 48; 1972 - 2013
Civilita Cattolica, La
v. 1+; 1850+
Clergy Review (now: Priests & People) (in storage)
v. 63 - 70; 1978 - 1985
Collectanea Cisterciensia
v. 36+; 1974+
Commentary (in storage)
1970 - 1985
v. 98+; 1973+
v. 6 - 9; 1974 - 1977 ; v. 20+; 1988+
Communaute Chretienne (now: Presence) (in storage)
v. 3 - 28; 1964 - 1989 ; v. 1 - 2; 1990 - 1992
v. 1+; 1974+
Communion - Verbum Caro (in storage)
1962 - 1972
Consecrated Life (in storage)
v. 1 - 24; 1975 - 2002
Conversations in Religion and Theology
v. 1 - 9; 2003 - 2011
Council of Societies for the Study of Religion (formerly: Council on the Study of Religion Bulletin Now: Bulletin for the Study of Religion)
v. 15+; 1989+
Council on the Study of Religion Bulletin (now: Council of Societies for the Study of Religion)
v. 1 - 14; 1970 - 1983
Crisis: Politics, Culture and the Church (formerly: Christianity and Crisis) (in storage)
v. 12 - 25; 1994 - 2007
Cristianesimo Nella Storia
v. 14+; 1993+
Cross Currents
v. 13+, 1963+
Crux: A Quarterly Journal on Christian Thought and Opinion
v. 29+; 1993+
Crux of the News (in storage)
1966 - 2009
Currents in Theology and Mission
v. 2 - 42; 1975 - 2015
Dead Sea Discoveries: A Journal of Current Research on the Scrolls and Related Literature
v. 1+; 1994+ ; online
v. 1+; 1966+
Dialog: A Journal of Theology
v. 32+; 1992+ ; online
Discipleship Journal
1991 - 2008
1961 - 2014
Divus Thomas
v. 47+; 1944+
Divus Thomas Freiburg
v. 17 - 31; 1939 - 1953
Doctor Communis (in storage)
v. 1 - 50; 1948 - 1997
Documentation Catholique, La
v. 5 - 39, 1921 - 1938; 48 - 49; 49+, 1951+
Dolentium Hominum
v. 1 - 25; 1986 - 2011
Dossiers de la Bible, Les (formerly: La Bible et Son Message) (in storage)
1984 - 2003 (ceased)
Dossiers Vie Ouvriere
n. 101 - 123
Downside Review
v. 72+; 1954+
Eastern Catholic Life (newspaper)
v. 7 - 45; 1947 - 1985
Ecclesia Orans
v. 7+; 1990+
Ecclesiastical Review
1925 - 1932, 1936, 1950
Ecumenical Review
v. 2,4,7+; 1949, 1951, 1954+
Ecumenical Trends (in storage)
v. 7 - 29; 1978 - 2000
v. 32 - 50; 1997 - 2015
Educatio Catholica (formerly: Seminarium)
Eglise et Theologie (now: Theoforum) (in storage)
v. 8 - 30; 1977 - 1999
Eglise Vivante (in storage)
1949 - 1971
v. 2+; 1896+
Emphasis: A Preaching Journal for the Parish Pastor
v. 17 - 38; 1987 - 2009
Ephemerides Carmeliticae (now: Teresianum, 1982) (in storage)
v. 22 - 32; 1971 - 1981
Ephemerides Iuris Canonici
v. 1 - 49; 1945 - 1993 (discontinued)
Ephemerides Liturgicae
v. 56+; 1942+
Ephemerides Mariologicae
v. 1+; 1951+
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
v. 1+; 1924+
Epiphany: A Journal of Faith and Insight (in storage)
v. 3 - 16; 1982 - 1997
Esprit et Vie
v. 88 - 122; 1978 - 2012
Estudios Biblicos
v. 20+; 1961+
Estudios Eclesiasticos
v. 83+; 2008+
Estudios Marianos
1944 - 1982
Ethics and Medics
v. 3+; 1979+ ; online
v. 1+; 1987+
v. 244+; 1945+
Etudes Theologiques et religieuses
v. 51+; 1976+
Euntes Docete (now: Urbana University Journal)
v. 1 - 65; 1948 - 2012
Expository Times
v. 70+; 1958+
Faith and Form: Journal of the Interfaith Forum on Religion …
v. 7+; 1974+
Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers
v. 6+; 1989+
Faith and Reason
v. 7 - 33; 1981 - 2008
Familia et Vita
v. 2 - 21; 1997 - 2017
Fide Quarenes Intellectum
2002 - 2007
Filologia Neotestamentaria
v. 1+; 1988+
First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religious and Public Life
n. 1+; 1990+ ; online
Foi et le Temps, La (in storage)
v. 1 - 24; 1968 - 1994
Forum Katholische Theologie
v. 3+; 1987+
Forum Letter
v. 18+; 1989+
Franciscan Studies
v. 1 - 41; 1941 - 1981
Freiburger Zeitschrift fur Philosophie und Theologie
v. 1+; 1954+
v. 8+; 1957+
v. 18+; 1984+
Greek Orthodox Theological Review
v. 18+; 1973+
v. 1+; 1920+
Harvard Theological Review
v. 32+; 1939+
Hastings Center Report
v. 9 - 41; 1979 - 2011
Health Progress
v. 68 - 90; 1987 - 2009
Heythrop Journal
v. 1+; 1960+ ; online
History of Religions
v. 13 - 50; 1973 - 2011
Holy Land Review
Homiletic and Pastoral Review
v. 1 - 111; 1900 - 2011
v. 1 - 29; 1989 - 2018
v. 2+; 1975+
Human Development (in storage)
v. 1 - 32; 1980 - 2011
Human Life Review
v. 1+; 1975+
Image (in storage)
No. 23 - 59
Immanuel (in storage)
n. 16 - 26/27; 1983 – 1994
Information Service
n. 60+; 1986+
Inside the Vatican
v. 3+; 1995+
International Journal of Philosophy and Theology (formerly: Bijdragen)
v. 74+; 2013+
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion
v. 5 - 64; 1974 - 2008
International Journal of Systematic Theology
v. 2+; 2000+ ; online
International Philosophical Bibliography (see: Repertoire Bibliographique de la Philosophie)
1991 - 1997
International Review of Biblical Studies
v. 47 - 57; 2000 - 2010
Internationale Zeitschriftenschau fer Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete
v. 1+; 1951+
v. 16+; 1962+
v. 36+; 1963+
Irish Ecclesiastical Record
v. 1 - 110; 1858 - 1968
Irish Theological Quarterly
v. 1+; 1906+
Israel Exploration Journal
v. 11+; 1961+
Issues in Law and Medicine
v. 3 - 27; 1987 - 2012
v. 6; 1961+
Ius Ecclesiae: Rivista Internazionale Di Diritto Canonico
v. 1 - 14; 1989 - 2002
Jewish Bible Quarterly, The: Dor le Dor
v. 18+; 1989+
Josephinum Journal of Theology
v. 4+; 1997+
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
v. 20+; 1981+ ; online
Journal for the Study of Paul and his Letters
v.4+; 2014+
Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus
v. 2+; 2004+
Journal for the Study of the New Testament
v. 1+; 1978+
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
v. 25+; 2000+
Journal of Bible and Religion (Now: Journal of the American Academy of Religion)
v. 31 - 33; 1963 - 1966
Journal of Biblical Literature
v. 32+; 1913
Journal of Catholic Legal Studies (formerly: Catholic Lawyer)
v. 44 - 52; 2005 - 2013
Journal of Catholic Social Thought
v. 1+; 2004+
Journal of Church and State
v. 7 - 38, 1965 - 1996; v. 49+, 2007+
Journal of Communication and Religion
v. 13+; 1990+
Journal of Early Christian Studies
v. 1+; 1993+ ; online
Journal of Ecclesiastical History
v. 18+; 1967+
Journal of Ecumenical Studies
v. 1+; 1964+
Journal of Hispanic/Latino Philosophy
v. 1 - 10; 1993 - 2004 ; online 2006-2007, 2019 -
Journal of Medical Humanities (formerly: Journal of Bioethics)
v. 11 - 32; 1990 - 2011 ; online
Journal of Near Eastern Studies
v. 20+; 1961+ ; online
Journal of Pastoral Care
v. 23 - 55; 1969 - 2001
Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling
v. 56 - 64; 2002 - 2010
Journal of Pastoral Counseling
v. 2 - 45; 1967 - 2010
Journal of Pastoral Theology
v. 5 - 22; 1995 - 2012
Journal of Psychology and Theology
v. 1 - 39; 1975 - 2011
Journal of Religion
v. 43+; 1963+ ; online
Journal of Religion and Aging (now: Journal of Religious Gerontology)
v. 1 - 5; 1984 - 1989
Journal of Religion and Health
v. 1 - 50; 1961 - 2011 ; online
Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Aging (formerly: Journal of Religious Gerontology)
v. 17+; 2004+
Journal of Religious and Theological Information
v. 1+; 1993+ ; online
Journal of Religious Ethics
v. 6+; 1978+ ; online
Journal of Religious Gerontology (formerly: Journal of Religion and Aging, now: Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging)
v. 7 - 16; 1990 - 2004 ; online
Journal of Religious Thought (in storage)
v. 40 - 60; 1983 - 2010
Journal of Ritual Studies
v. 1 - 25; 1987 - 2011
Journal of Semitic Studies
v. 6+; 1961+
Journal of Studies on Alcohol
v. 50 - 67; 1989 - 2006
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
v. 68 - 72; 2007 - 2011
Journal of Supervision and Training in Ministry (Now: Reflective Practices)
v. 7 - 24; 1984 - 2004
Journal of the American Academy of Religion (Formerly: Journal of Bible and Religion)
v. 35+; 1967+
Journal of the New Scholasticism (see: The New Scholasticism, Journal of.)
Journal of Theological Studies
v. 1+; 1900+
Journal of Theology (in storage)
v. 92+; 1988 - ceased
v. 1+; 1941+
Jus Pontificium
1921 - 1940
Kennedy Institute of Ethics
v. 4 - 21; 1994 - 2011
Kerygma und Dogma
v. 8+; 1962+
Ladoc (in storage)
v. 1 - 33; 1970 - 2002 (ceased)
v. 27+; 2013+
Laval Theologique et Philosophique
v. 1, v. 20+; 1945, 1964+
Lectionary Homiletics
v. 1 - 26; 1990 - 2016
Letter & Spirit
v. 1+; 2005+
Lexington Theological Quarterly
v. 24 - 41; 1986 - 2006
v. 62+; 1974+
Linacre Quarterly
v. 38+; 1971+
Linguistica Biblica (in storage)
n. 62 - 66; 1989 - 1992
Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture
v. 29+; 1994+
Lituanus Quarterly Journal
v. 10+; 1964+
Liturgical Arts
v. 1 - 40; 1931 - 1972
Liturgical Ministry
v. 12 - 20; 2003 - 2011
Liturgisches Jahrbuch
v. 7+; 1957+
Liturgy: Journal of the Liturgical Conference
First set: v. 15 1970 - v. 25 1980 ; Second set: v.1+; 1985+
Liturgy (70,80,90) (now: RITE) (in storage)
v. 15 - 30; 1970 - 1999
Living Light
v. 1 - 40; 1964 - 2004
Living Word
Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture
v. 1+; 1997+
Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies
v. 34+; 1993+
Lonergan Review, The
v. 1+; 2009+
Louvain Studies
v. 2+; 1968+
Lumen Vitae
v. 1+; 1946+
Lumiere et Vie
n. 13 - 300; 1954 - 2013
Lutheran Forum
v. 24+; 1990+
Lutheran Quarterly
v. 18+; 2004+
Magistra (formerly: Vox Benedictina)
v. 1+; 1995+
Maison Dieu, La
n. 41+; 1955+
Marian Studies
v. 1 - 65; 1950 - 2015
v. 30+; 1939+
Medieval Philosophy and Theology
v. 5+, 1996+
Mediaeval Studies
v. 32+; 1970+
Medical Ethics Advisor
1989 - 2011
Melanges de Science Religieuse
v. 19+; 1962+
Merton Annual, The
v. 1 - 4, 6; 1988 - 1993
Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies
v. 7+; 1989+
Mid-stream: Council on Christian Unity
v. 8 - 40; 1968 - 2001 (ceased)
Ministry and Liturgy (formerly: Modern Liturgy)
v. 26 - 42; 1999 - 2015
Modern Liturgy (now: Ministry and Liturgy)
v. 5 - 25; 1978 - 1998
Modern Theology
v. 1+; 1984+
Mondo e Missione
v. 101+; 1972+
Monitor, The - Metuchen (ceased 1996)
new title: The Catholic Spirit
Monitor, The - Trenton (newspaper)
Monitor Ecclesiasticus
v. 86 - 128; 1961 - 2005
v.129; 2014
Munchener Theologische Zeitschrift
v. 13+; 1964+
Munster, Das
v. 42+; 1989+
Music and Liturgy
v. 1+; 1974+
National Bulletin on Liturgy
v. 8 - 37; 1975 - 2004 (discontinued)
National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly
v. 1 - 14; 2001 - 2014
National Catholic Register (newspaper)
Near Eastern Archeology (formerly: Biblical Archeology)
v. 61+; 1998+
Neue Zeitschrift fur Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie
v. 34 - 53; 1992 - 2011
New Blackfriars
v. 47+; 1966+ ; Online
New Catholic World (formerly: Catholic World)
Newman Studies Journal
v. 2+; 2005+
New Oxford Review
v. 48+; 1981+
New Scholasticism, Journal of (now: American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly)
v. 1 - 63; 1927 - 1989
New Testament Abstracts
v. 1+; 1956+ ; online
New Testament Studies
v. 1+; 1954+
New Theology Review
v. 1 - 24; 1988 - 2011
online http:/
Newsletter: Committee on the Liturgy
v. 31+; 1995+
1967 - 2014
Notre Histoire (in storage)
1992 - 2006
Nouvelle Revue Theologique
v. 37+; 1962+
Nova et Vetera
v. 37+; 1962+
Nova et Vetera - English Edition
v. 1+; 2003+
Novum Testamentum
v. 4+; 1960+
Nuntia (in storage)
1980 - 1990
Old Testament Abstracts
v. 1+; 1978+ ; online
One Church (in storage)
v. 32 - 52; 1978 - 1998
One in Christ: A Catholic Ecumenical Review
v. 10+; 1974+
Orientalia Christiana Periodica
v. 17+; 1930+
v. 3+; 1973+
L'Osservatore Romano (newspaper)
1997 - 2009 on CD-ROM
Pacific Journal of Theology
Series 2+; 1996+
Palestra del clero
1952 - 2003
Parabola: Myth and the Quest for Meaning
v. 1+; 1976+
Pastoral Life
v. 1 - 54; 1953 - 2005
Pastoral Liturgy
v. 39+; 2008+
Pastoral Music
v. 1+; 1976+
Pastoral Patterns (in storage)
v. 17 - 34; 1989 - 2006
Pastoral Review, The (formerly: Priests & People)
v. 1+; 2005+
Pergunte and Responderemos (in storage)
1988 - 2006
Periodica de re Canonica (was: Periodica de re Morali Canonica Liturgica)
v. 27+; 1937+
Perspectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought (in storage)
v. 6 - 28; 1991 - 2018
Perspectives in Religious Studies
v. 8+; 1981+
Philosophy Theology
v. 1+; 1986+
Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences
v. 1+; 2014+
Pope Speaks
v. 1 - 50; 1966 - 2005
PJR: Praxis Juridique et Religion
v. 1 - 15; 1984 - 1998
Portal: Libraries and the Academy
v. 1 - 11; 2001 - 2011
Preaching: The Professional Journal for Preachers
v. 4+; 1969+
Priest, The
v. 1 - 71; 1945 - 2016
Priests and People (now: Pastoral Review, The. formerly: Clergy Review)
v. 1 - 18; 1987 - 2004
Process Studies
v. 20+; 1991+
Pro Dialogo (formerly: Bulletin Pontificium Consilium Pro Dialogo Inter Religiones)
n. 85+; 1994+
Pro Ecclesia: A Journal of Catholic and Evangelical Theology
v. 2+; 1993+
v. 4 - 30; 1987 - 2010
Providence: Studies in Western Civilization (in storage)
v. 1 - 8; 1992 - 2004
Pulpit Digest
1983 - 2000
Quarterly Journal of Speech
v. 24 - 45; 1938 - 1957
Quarterly Review
v. 3 - 25; 1983 - 2005
Questions Liturgiques
v. 30+; 1949+
Questiones Disputates
v. 5+; 2014+
Razon Y Fe
v. 142+; 1950+
Recherches de Science Religieuse
v. 45+; 1957+
Records of American Catholic Historical Society
v. 1 - 109; 1924 - 1996
Reflective Practices
v. 24+; 2004+
Regeneration Quarterly (in storage)
v. 1 - 9; 1995 - 2004
v. 277+; 1964+
Religion and the Arts
v. 1+; 1996+
Religion and Intellectual Life (now: Cross Currents: Religion and Intellectual Life) (in storage)
v. 1 - 7; 1983 - 1990
Religion and Literature
v. 3 no.2+; 2000+
Religious and Theological Abstracts (in storage)
v. 1 - 51; 1958 - 2008
Religious Education
v. 49+; 1954+
Religious Studies
v. 1+; 1965+ ; online
Religious Studies and Theology (formerly: Religious Studies Bulletin)
v. 5+; 1985+
Religious Studies Review
v. 1+; 1975+
Repertoire Bibliographique de la Philosophie (English title: International Philosophical Bibliography) (in storage)
v. 12 - 42; 1960 - 1990
Review and Expositor
v. 41+; 1964+
Review for Religious
v. 1 - 71; 1942 - 2012
Review of Metaphysics
v. 44+; 1991+
Review of Theological Literature
v. 2; 2000
Reviews in Religion and Theology
v. 1+; 1994+
Revista Biblica
v. 26 - 73; 1964 - 2015 (publication behind schedule)
Revue Benedictine
v. 36+; 1924+
Revue Biblique
v. 4+; 1897+
Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique
v. 16+; 1921+
Revue Philosophique de Louvain
v. 46, v. 60 - 97; 1962 - 1998
v.108+; 2010+
Revue d’Universite d’Ottawa (in storage)
v. 51+; 1977+
Revue de Qumran
v. 1+; 1958+
Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Theologiques
v. 28+; 1939+
Revue Theologique De Louvain
v. 1+; 1999+
Revue des Sciences Religieuses
v. 1+; 1921+
Revue Thomiste
v. 1+; 1893+
Rite (formerly: Liturgy90) (in storage)
2000 - 2007
Rivista Biblica
v. 9+; 1961+
Rivista di Teologia Morale
v. 25 - 26; 1993 - 1994
Rivista Di Storia Della Chiesa in Italia
v. 1 - 12; 1947 - 1959
Romana: Bolletino Della Prelatura Della Santa Croce
v. 5+; 1989+
1997 - 2006
Sacred Architecture
Sacred Music
v. 94+; 1967+
Sacris Erudiri
1951 - 1984
Sacrum Ministerium
v. 1 - 18; 1995 - 2012 (title suspended)
Saint (St.) Croix Review, The
v. 5+; 1972+
Saint (St.) Luke's Journal of Theology (now: Sewanee Theological Review)
v. 31 - 34; 1988 - 1991
Saint (St.) Vladimir's Seminary Quarterly (Becomes: Theological in 1969)
v. 8-12; 1964-1968
Saint (St.) Vladimir's Theological Quarterly
v. 13+; 1969+
v. 54+; 1992+
Sapienza (in storage)
v. 15 - 64; 1962 - 2011
Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament
v. 16+; 2002+
Science et Esprit
v. 19+; 1967+
Sciences Ecclesiastiques
v. 7 - 19; 1955 - 1967
v. 32 - 40; 1957 - 1965
Scottish Journal of Theology
v. 10+; 1957+
Scripta Theologica
v. 14+; 1982+
Scripture Bulletin
v. 1 - 39; 1969 - 2009
Scripture in Church
v. 21+; 1991+
Scuola Cattolica
v. 90 - 141; 1962 - 2013
Seattle Theology and Ministry Review
v. 1 - 8; 2002 - 2008
v. 34+; 1975+
v. 1 - 91; 1974 - 2002
Seminarium (now: Educatio Catholica)
v. 12+; 1961 - 2014
Seminary Journal (formerly: Seminary News)
v. 1 - 18; 1995 - 2012
Sewanee Theological Review (formerly: St. Luke's Journal of Theology)
v. 34-58; 1991-2015
Sicut Parvuli
v. 9 - 24; 1947 - 1962
v. 52 - 55; 1990 - 1993
Sidic (English Edition)
v. 2 - 36; 1969 - 2003
Social Compass
v. 7 - 59; 1960 - 2012
Social Justice Review
v. 35 - 103; 1942 - 2012
Sophia International Journal for Philosophy of Religion
v. 31 - 48; 1992 - 2009
Spiritual Life: A Quarterly of Contemporary Spirituality
v. 5 - 59; 1959 - 2013
Spirituality Today (formerly: Cross and Crown)
v. 30 - 44; 1978 - 1992
Stimmen der Zeit
v. 76+; 1950+
Studi Cattolici
n. 28+; v. 6+; 1962+
Studia Canonica
v. 8 - 36; 1974 - 2003
Studia Catholica
v. 22 - 25; 1947 - 1960
Studia Liturgica
v. 1+; 1962+
Studia Missionalia
v. 22 - 63; 1973 - 2014
Studia Moralia
v. 23+; 1985+
Studia Patavina: Revista di Scienze
v. 9+; 1962+
Studia Theologica
v. 24+; 1970+
v. 7 - 75; 1918 - 1986
Studies in Formative Spirituality (now: Journal of Spiritual Formation)
v. 1 - 14; 1980 - 1993
Studies in Religion / Science Religeuses
v. 6+; 1976+
Studies in Spirituality
n. 8+; 1998+
Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits
v. 1+; 1969+
Sunday Sermons
Supplement (Le Vie Spirituelle)
n. 46, 56 - 168; 1958, 1961 - 1989
Tablet (newspaper)
Teresianum (formerly: Ephemerides Carmeliticae)
v. 33+; 1982+
v. 28 - 32, 2003 - 2007
Theoforum (formerly: Eglise et Theologie)
v. 31+; 2000+
Theological Education
v. 1+; 1964+
Theological Studies
v. 1+; 1940+
Theologie der Gegenwart
v. 5+; 1962+
Theologie und Glaube
v. 1+; 1909+
Theologie und Philosophie
v. 42+; 1967+
Theologische Literaturzeitung
v. 87+; 1962+
Theologisch-praktische Quartalschrift
v. 36+; 1886+
Theologische Quartalschrift
v. 142+; 1962+
Theologische Revue
v. 1-37, 39, 46+; 1902 - 1937, 1939, 1951+
Theologische Rundschau
v. 28+; 1962+
Theologische Zeitschrift
v. 18+; 1962+
v. 72+; 1969+
Theology Digest
v. 13 - 52; 1965 - 2005
Theology Today
v. 29+; 1973+
30 Days in the Church and in the World
2010 - 2012
This Rock (Now: Catholic Answers)
v. 1 - 22; 1990 - 2011
Thomist, The
v. 1+; 1939+
v. 39 - 67; 1964 - 1992
Tijdschrift voor Theologie
v. 2+; 1962+
Times Literary Supplement (newspaper)
Toronto Journal of Theology
v. 3+; 1987+
Touchstone : a journal of mere christianity
v. 5+; 1992+
v. 10 - 34; 1954 - 1974
Trierer Theologische Zeitschrift
v. 98+; 1989+
Trinity Seminary Review
v. 10 - 35; 1988 - 2014
Ultimate Reality and Meaning
v. 1+; 1978+
Urbana University Journal (formerly: Euntes Docete)
v. 67+; 2014+
U.S. Catholic
Una Sancta
v. 17 - 26; 1962 – 1971
U.S. Catholic Historian
v. 2+; 1982+
Verbum Domini
v. 1 - 47; 1921 - 1969
Vetus Testamentum
v. 13+; 1963+
Vie Ouvriere
v. 34 - 46; 1985 - 1997
Vie Spirituelle, La
v. 43 - 96; 1961 - 2014
Vigiliae Christianae
v. 1+; 1947+ ; online
Vita e Pensiero
v. 43+; 1960+
Vox Benedictina (now: Magistra)
v. 4 - 10; 1987 - 1993
Wanderer, The (newspaper)
Way, The
v. 1+; 1961+
Weekday Homily Helps
Westminster Theological Journal
v. 38+; 1975+
Wirkendes Wort
v. 22+; 1972+
Witness, The
v. 60 - 85; 1977 - 2002
Word and World - Theology for Christian Ministry
v. 1+; 1981+
Word on Worship
World Mission
v. 1 - 32; 1952 - 1982
Worship (formerly: Orate Fratres)
v. 31+; 1956+
Wort Und Wahrheit
v. 16 - 28; 1961 - 1973
Yale Review
v. 30 - 59; 1941 - 1970
Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
v. 72+ 1960+
Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft
v. 1+; 1900+
Zeitschrift für Katholische Theologie
v. 28+; 1904+
Zeitschrift fur Religions und Geistesgeschichte
v. 14+; 1962+
Zeitschrift fur Theologie und Kirche
v. 59+; 1962+
Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science
v. 2+; 1967+ ; online
Updated October 7, 2019